Acid Cigars origins don’t have the history one would expect from the creators of one of the most distinctive and flavorful cigar brands in history.
The Early Beginnings
It all started with two college friends from New York. They took their love of cigars and embarked on a journey to begin a high-quality cigar rolling business. For instance, They operated from the heart of the city that never sleeps. After meeting and sharing office space with street artist Scott “Acid” Chester, this amazing cigar brand was born. As a result,”Acid” Chester’s artwork inspired the marketing known as the Acid brand.
The Origin of Acid
Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samuel founded Acid cigars by Drew Estates. In the early days, Jonathan and Marvin shared a love of cigars. But they had no experience of creating or marketing a cigar brand of their own. As a result, Jonathan Drew headed to the traditional cigar rolling communities of Nicaragua. He learned about the different flavors and techniques used to create different cigars and flavor blends. On the other hand, Marvin Samuel spent his time in New York creating the brand that would become Acid Cigars, once the pair had befriended “Acid”.
The introduction of the street artist fitted perfectly when Acid Cigars was first established in 1999, by Drew Estates. Including the edgy graffiti-inspired designs of “Acid” Chester. This set the brand apart from the more traditional approach of cigar manufacturers around the world.
Acid Cigar Distinctive Flavors
Acid Cigars are well known for their floral and aromatic flavors infused into each and every cigar. For example, a secret blend of tobacco, essential oils, and aromatic herbs create a distinctive flavor and scent. Drew Estates rolls their Acid Cigars in their factory in Nicaragua.
Drew Estates manufactures cigars in a series of strengths to caters to the tastes of every cigar smoker. Acid Cigars are available from medium to full strength. Therefore, the amazing flavors and scents of this cigar blend are easy to enjoy and offer a unique and modern take on the cigar.
Acid Cigar’s at The Cigar Store
Choosing to purchase any of the blends created by Acid Cigars through The Cigar Store is a great choice. In fact, we’re always stocked with the best quality cigars for any smoker to enjoy.
We make it easy for you to look over the many available options. For your convenience, Acid Cigars are available in boxes and 5 packs.