PDR cigars are produced by a small boutique factory located in the Tamboril Dominican Republic. Originally opened in 2004, the company prides itself in creating high quality hand made cigars. They are produced using proprietary rolling techniques to provide a more pleasant draw when smoked. The PDR product line includes blends of tobaccos from multiple growing regions including the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Nicaragua.
The small factory produces a variety of pleasures for your enjoyment. The A. Flores series pays homage to one of the largest influences in hand rolled cigars and features some of the oldest tobacco available within the company. With variations including Habano or San Andreas Maduro wrappers, each piece within the line has a flavor and aroma experience that is truly unique.
A special 10 year anniversary edition of the Flores y Rodriguez product line, celebrating 10 years of collaboration between the company founders, is another highlight to be enjoyed. It features a combination of flavors carefully crafted using ingredients from three separate countries. This is the third blend from the Flores y Rodriguez line, offering an experience that may never be replicated by PDR.
There are multiple cigars in the PDR line including several small batch reserve products that range across the size and shape ideals. This provides an opportunity to find not just the flavor and draw you prefer, but also focus on the size, weight and shape. You can enjoy a wonderful smoking experience with the feel in hand you desire.
For a truly remarkable experience, the PDR 1878 Reserva Dominica Habana features the Oscuro wrapper. Originally designed as a limited run, this Dominican Puro considered one of the fullest bodied cigars currently available. Also known as the Holiday blend, this cigar provides an exquisite and unique experience, with beautiful presentation, at a highly competitive price.
The unique and sophisticated experience that comes along with enjoying a PDR cigar lends itself to an opportunity where it can truly be savored. Whether relished as part of a celebration or appreciated during a quite evening PDR cigars bring an air of class to any occasion.