The Benefits of Smoking Little Cigars


The world of cigars can be somewhat daunting to the novice, with all of the different regions, wrappers, growing conditions, ring gauges, and lengths to sort through on your quest for the perfect smoke. The connoisseur’s journey doesn’t change much, even after versing yourself in the lexicon of the culture. One thing that everyone can agree on, however, is that there’s no substitute for immersion and experience in the world of fine, hand-crafted cigars.

So how does one get that experience without spending any extra time, money, or effort on an expensive, 2-hour smoke? The answer lies within the realm of “little” cigars.

For those new to the wonderful world of cigars, the little cigars offer an unparalleled way to experience the plethora of wrappers, fillers, and brands, without spending an arm and a leg on a Robusto or Churchill that could take hours to fully enjoy. These little cigars are manufactured by the same well-respected companies with the same high quality tobacco as their “big brothers”, but don’t necessitate the same financial burden or time management. This gives the novice smoker an opportunity to experiment with all of the exciting variables of the cigar world on their journey to discover what their palette desires most.

Now, for the experienced cigar aficionado, little cigars offer an entirely different advantage: The ability to take your stogie love nearly anywhere you’d like to go. Due to the fact that many well respected manufacturers also create a “little” cigars, and often in packages with eight to twelves sticks, these quick smokes are perfect for your afternoon commute, lunch break, or any other downtime that wouldn’t necessarily allow for you favorite 60 ring gauge beast or that special Churchill that you’ve been saving for a momentous occasion.

Another often overlooked advantage of the “little” cigar is that it ‘s an inexpensive alternative when it comes to opening up your humidor to guests and friends.

So, whether you’re looking for a quicker, simpler way to experience the multitude of cigar styles, or you’re trying to sneak a quick stogie session into your weekday, little cigars are an excellent but again, often overlooked way to enjoy this wonderful hobby.

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