If you’re a cigar lover who enjoys a great cigar scene in a movie, you might have your memory stirred when you’re reminded of these three great cigar movie scenes:
Movie Scenes #3 from: The Scent of a Woman
Al Pacino played a character who was a serviceman who was retired and blind. This sensual and romantic comedy came out in the year 1992. This intriguing serviceman shows a younger man the many wonders of the world. This includes cigar smoking while enjoying a drink. A good woman is the added attraction in this grand cigar smoking movie scene. This is a movie that any cigar lover ought to remember and would have completely enjoyed. This is one of the top cigar scenes of all time. Mr. Pacino made the cigar look so enjoyable and highly intriguing.
Movie Scenes #2 from: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
This is a 1967 film that starred Clint Eastwood. The scenes with Mr. Eastwood made smoking a cigar appear natural and highly enjoyable. There’s something to be said about a handsome man showing off one of the many pleasures of life with a grand and robust cigar. The movie’s remarkable and remembered with the cigars scenes. Even a dying man gets a final puff from a good cigar.
Movie Scenes #1 from: Desperado
This movie starred Salma Hayneck and Antonio Banderas. It’ll prove that a love scene that’s filled with passion must include a grand cigar. Even when a villain is lying in bed, a cigar will stick out in a scene from a good movie. A great scene with a character enjoying a cigar is indeed remembered for years to come.
There’s something so memorable when it comes to a superb cigar scene in a good movie. The movie then becomes etched within your memory. It’s the kind of scene that will always remind you of a memorable character who is somewhat defined by the way they smoked a solid and robust cigar. It creates a mood and a memory. The movie and the cigar scene become talked about and may continuously be brought to life through conversation.