One of The Finest Cigars In The World


For many decades, the Cuban cigars were known as the finest cigars, but let’s talk about cigars from another Latin American country, Honduras. Specifically, Moscato LaVita Cigars, which’re made from a fine blend of tobacco grown in the fields of that country.

The filler is from Honduras which is located in Central America. Moscato cigars have a very relaxing and unique flavor. The wine counterpart is the Moscato wine. The American wine industry now acknowledges National Moscato day for all the wine manufacturers and wine lovers. The perfect combination would be as an after dinner treat smoking a Moscato cigar while drinking the Moscato wine.

Now let’s dive into its flavor. Moscato has a unique flavor not only in the wine, but it also has a wonderful aroma in the cigars. The cigars have a very aromatic taste and they smell very fresh, even to the nonsmokers. These cigars are made in a torpedo shape and packaged very carefully, and imported from Honduras to the rest of the world. They’re sold in many outlets across the globe including but not limited to the United States. It’s very easy to order these cigars on our website or you can call our toll-free number. Moscato LaVita cigars are sold five in a cigar box for less than $150. They normally sell for close to $200 on other sites.

These cigars are packaged in a large green colored box which can be used later for decorative items. They’re packaged not only carefully but with elegance and style. The strength is very mild which makes a favorable rating. There’s another special currently going on where customers can buy one box and get free Moscato cigars as a sample pack.

The reason we’ve made this our product of the month is because these cigars are enjoyed by many smokers. Most cigar smokers will love the taste of Moscato and handling them will be easy since they’re again torpedo shaped and cut very fine.

Moscato cigars are also handcrafted. The wrapper looks very nice to any cigar smoker and this gives a great meaning to the world of cigar smoking. The tobacco’s rolled to perfection and the paper is cut to fit the size of the cigars to make smoking more pleasurable.

Cuban cigars are still great, but now many countries in the Latin America are producing great cigars which are growing internationally.

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