La Flor Dominicana Cigar Story

La Flor Dominicana cigars at The Cigar Store

Inés and Litto Gómez set out to realize their dream of creating their own cigar brand. Following a robbery at their jewelry shop in Miami, they pivoted from gold and diamonds to the world of cigars. Instead of outsourcing production to large factories, the couple established their own company in the Dominican Republic in 1996. Despite lacking a family history in the industry, their brand, La Flor Dominicana, swiftly gained global acclaim. Renowned for their innovative approach, the Gómezes’ venture has become synonymous with quality and creativity in the cigar business.

Their journey began with an extraordinary idea. Following a robbery at their jewelry store in Miami, Inés and Litto Gómez chose to shift their focus from gold and diamonds to an entirely different treasure: cigars. “We had a dream of creating our own line of cigars,” the dynamic entrepreneurs explain. Unwilling to entrust production to large factories, they instead founded their own company in the Dominican Republic in 1996. Despite lacking any familial ties to the industry, their brand, La Flor Dominicana, swiftly gained international acclaim within a few short years. Cigar Aficionado magazine hailed Gómez as “arguably the most innovative thinkers in the cigar business.”

Their cigars are renowned for their subtly spicy flavors with a hint of sweetness, meeting standard format requirements in the mid-price range. Notably, the Double Ligero and the Double Ligero 700 are among their most celebrated offerings. “Tobacco occupies my thoughts day and night,” reflects Litto, encapsulating his dedication to the craft. For the Gómezes, passion and business seamlessly intertwine, shaping their remarkable success story.

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