Does It Matter What Hygrometer You Choose?


If you plan on stocking cigars, you’re going to be investing in a humidor. Your humidor is meant to resemble the tropical climate that many fine cigars are made in. This means that a fairly exact temperature and humidity level must be maintained. To do this, your humidor will need a hygrometer. Hygrometers are devices used to measure humidity. Today’s hygrometers come in either analog or digital versions. Both have their pros and cons, but the only way to know which one will suit you best is to learn about them.

Analog hygrometers are the tried and true classic of the cigar world. Before the convenience of modern life, cigar aficionados only had these handy gadgets to rely on. The good thing about analog hygrometers is the presence it adds to any humidor, especially finding a working antique one. Enjoying a smoke is a time-honored tradition and having a humidor that represents that history can only add to the experience. On the other hand, these are fragile instruments that can be thrown off fairly easily. Thus, regular tune-ups are required.

Digital hygrometers are modern conveniences that make humidor maintenance much easier. Unlike their analog counterparts, digital hygrometers require no maintenance and are very accurate. They don’t fall out of measurement over time or need to be readjusted. Many digital hygrometers do multiple tasks, like take the temperature or store readings over a period of time. Their biggest downfall is the modern design clashes with the historical feel of your new humidor.

In the end, which style you choose is up to you. Both do their jobs well and are trusted by experts across the globe. No matter which way you turn, just be sure to always treat your cigars with respect and care.

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