Cigars for Wedding Celebrations

Cigar Wedding


Weddings are a happy occasion for most. What better time to pull out the good ol’ cigars and light one up? Most people believe that during a wedding, cigars are part of the norm. It’s been documented that weddings and births are the two main events where cigars are appropriate. Your guests might even take one, even if they have no intention of smoking it. It’s just proper etiquette.

What types of cigars are perfect for a wedding? Some believe that it doesn’t really matter. I’m here to tell you that it does matter. I’ve seen guests actively complaining because the wrong cigar was there. To cut down on the complaining and any future embarrassment, here’s a list of the cigars that you should never go without.


ROLY – This is one of the most famous brands. A must-have for any special occasion. A Roly is considered by many to be the cream of the crop. It’s not expensive, this is why it’s good for all occasions.

BACCARAT – This brand falls in the category of the first cigar. Both Baccarat and Roly are good cigars, yet in-expensive.

Hint: Some guests will only take one small puff and lose the cigar afterwards. This is why you should have both the Baccarat and Roly on-hand. These are still good quality, but they are on the cheaper side. Unless you have cigar aficionados in the crowd, you don’t want to go overboard here. It will be a waste of money on your part. I have seen it happen. It’s not pretty.


The wedding party needs to have something slightly different. The wedding party needs to have their cigar of choice to be very up-scale.

Two choices which spring to mind are Fuente Fuente Opus X and Padron Anniversary. When you take those pictures, be sure to have the label out. These two brands are more up-scale. You need to advertise it. Weddings are all about advertising and celebrating the happy couple. Promote it by showing the label.

If you’re looking for something a little less expensive, you might try the Saint Luis Rey Rothchilde. This is still top-quality, but it’ll only set you back about $50. You’ll get 25 cigars per box. That isn’t bad at all.

Your wedding party might even like these better than the above two.

Everyone’s tastes are different. Sometimes you have to learn through trial and error. If you are looking for the best cigars, the above choices are going to be of most value.

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