Top 5 Celebrations with Cigars


Cigars have been around for over a thousand years and were introduced by the Spanish. Smoking cigars have been linked to celebrations, victories and milestones. They form bonds with men and friends, celebrating accomplishments, and/or just kicking back and relaxing. There are many reasons to smoke a cigar and we’ve narrowed them down to these 5 celebrations:

One tradition is for a new father to pass around cigars after the birth of a child. This tradition dates back to the late 17th century. Cigars were viewed as a rarity. During this time, when a child was born, especially a son, a cigar was handed out because of the pride and value this child placed on the family and as a sacred part of the village. Not everyone was able to afford cigars, and this is the reason why cigars were of value.

Cigars are handed out to celebrate a work promotion. The top quality cigars are handed out to reflect on their achievement. When people smoke a cigar, they exude a lot of respect. When businessmen climb the executive ladder, they demand a lot of respect as well. Smoking a cigar symbolizes the respect that’s earned and given during a promotion. Think of the show Mad Men for that one.

Purchasing a new home is a big event, especially for first time home owners. It’s tradition to throw a party to honor such a life event. Men will usually hand out cigars or bring cigars as a housewarming gift to the new owners, especially the man of the house. Fine cigars are like fine wine, they’re aged to perfection. Waiting to smoke a fine cigar’s a valued treat, and saved for exciting events. Homeowners who previously were renters might not have been able to smoke on their rental property. Lighting up a fine cigar’s a time honored tradition with the man of the house to claim his rights as a homeowner.

Cigars are linked to honor traditions. Weddings are a very popular venue where cigars are handed out. More recently, however, wedding receptions are adding a cigar bar to add a different spin on the reception. There can be a dedicated lounge area at the reception that offers a place for the guests to toast and congratulate the new couple. Guests can choose from a variety of cigars or have a cigar handmade. Guests can relax and smoke a cigar in honor of the couple.

Men and sports have gone hand in hand for many years. Sharing a cigar after your favorite sports team has won a national championship, or as of yesterday, the New England Patriots winning Super Bowl XLIX, is a special male bonding time. The excitement of the win combined with a fine cigar, as you’re just waiting for the right time to smoke it, is a great way to share the happiness.

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