Let’s talk about the Padron Story.
Since the inception of their company in 1964, the Padron family has been met with more adversity than most. From power struggles in Nicaragua to kidnapping and bombing attempts in Miami, the family has persevered through a barrage of hardships for one reason—to create the finest cigars imaginable. To date, Padron has released four major lines: the original Padron, Padron 1964 Anniversary, Padron Serie 1926, and Padron Family Reserve.
The Classic Padron Cigar
The classic Padron cigar is a respected and revered throughout the cigar industry as an excellent, well-priced, complex cigar. No company is a middle man for Padron cigars, as they handle their own production, and distribution.
The Tabacos Cubanica factory in Esteli, Nicaragua makes these medium-full-bodied cigars.
Every cigar in the classic Padron line is available in sun-grown natural or Maduro. Each features a Nicaraguan binder and filler aged for a minimum of 2½ years.
For a regular everyday smoke in the Cuban tradition, try a box of the classic Padron today!
Padron’s 30th Anniversary “1964”
For Padron’s 30th Anniversary, they released the Padron 1964 Anniversary cigar. Padron wanted to come out with a cigar aged much longer and featured a different blend.
The idea was also to create a box-pressed cigar in the 1940’s Cuban tradition. When released, it wasn’t as common, at the time.
This cigar proved to be an overwhelming success for Padron. We can’t stress enough how quickly these boxes fly off our shelves.
Padron Serie 1926
Perhaps even rarer than the Padron 1964 Anniversary still is the Padron Serie 1926.
Padron released Serie 1926 in 2002 to commemorate the 75th birthday of Jose Padron.
The idea behind the blend was to create a more full-bodied cigar than its predecessors and to utilize even rarer tobacco leaves.
Padron makes Serie 1926 exclusively with tobacco that has been aged for 5 years or longer. Therefore, it’s argued by some to be even more complex than 1964.
In fact, the Padron Serie 1926 No. 9 currently holds the highest score in Cigar Aficionado of any non-Cuban cigar with a staggering 97-percent rating.
Padron Family Reserve
Padron released their newest creation, The Padron Reserve in 2009.
These cigars are the crème de la crème of Padron’s lineup. Each cigar features tobacco aged for a whopping 10 years!
Padron has released three installments of the Family Reserve line so far—the No. 44, No. 45, and No. 46. Each marks another anniversary of the company’s founding. Each year’s release features a different shape.
Padron cigars are Nicaraguan puros, as all of the leaves utilized to create the cigar are cultivated from the fertile soils of Esteli. This mixture of hearty tobaccos produces a rich, robust smoke offering a complex array of flavor with a sweet finish. The blend is available in two varieties: natural and Maduro.
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