The Cigar Store’s Blizzard Smoking Cigars


As weird as this might sound, smoking cigars in a blizzard can be a delightful yet calm and soothing thing. There has been several different extensive studies done to see which cigars would be the best to smoke while there’s a blizzard. Cigars have an eccentric taste. With each one having its own distinctive flavor. The choice is your. If you want a smoke that’s bold and rich, or if you aren’t the bold type, then you don’t have to settle for a less of a cigar. Because the medium-bodied cigars are equally as wonderful and just as tasty. Even if you opt for the classic cigars, you won’t feel left out because these too are full of taste and body without any sacrifice.

The CAO Brazilia has a dark wrapper that has a full-bodied flavor that’ll truly overwhelm your senses and help you to forget about that frigid cold blizzard outside. The downside to this bold and rich cigar is that it’ll eventually come to an end. But if you’ve stocked up on them, then you don’t have to worry about running out while stuck indoors due to the blizzard.

The Heat Corojo is another wonderful cigar. It has a medium bodied flavor that has the perfect balance between spicy and sweet to help you really enjoy your time by the fire. The name helps suggest that this tasty delight will help you thaw out and leave your weather woes at the door.

The Alec Bradley American Classic has as much American spirit as you. This cigar can get you through any blizzard. It’s a medium bodied cigar with hints of coffee that’s light enough to smoke everyday and keep you completely satisfied as you sit by the fire and watch the blizzard begin to melt knowing that your life is about to return to the everyday hustle and bustle. When you smoke this fine cigar, you’ll enjoy every second of it, no matter how big and bad the blizzard is. You’ll be calmed, soothed, and comforted by this lush cigar.

Winter shouldn’t be able to push you around. Sit back, light up, relax and stare the storm down knowing that it’s not going to get the best of you. You have your soothing comfort no matter what the winter throws at you. Blizzard ? HA, you’re ever so prepared. So let it snow, snow, snow. These cigars will surely take your mind off the falling snow, when you focus on the eccentric taste that these cigars will indulge your taste buds in as well as your other senses, as the aromas and smoke ever so calmly arise from the end of your fine cigar. They’re great if you are outside in the snow after it settles, so you don’t have to just enjoy them inside by the fire, or with your favorite drink. The possibilities are endless to how you can enjoy these cigars.

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