3 Cigars From The Cigar Store You Should Have When Watching Baseball


It’s a longstanding American tradition to pair cigars with sports and no sport is, perhaps, as core to the American spirit as Major League Baseball. This begs then, the rather obvious question for both the sport and cigar connoisseur – what’re some great cigars to smoke while watching a baseball game from The Cigar Store?

The first great cigar that one should check out is the ACID Blondie Belicoso, referred to lovingly as the ‘Blue Band Stick’, a complex and flavorful cigar from the popular flavored cigar manufacture. The cigar is dense yet soft with a wonderful sweet, candy aroma and fruity, cherry sweet overtones as well as sandal wood, mellow, smooth earth and floral potpourri. The reason why ACID Blondie Belicosos go so well with baseball is that they are excellent to pair with all of the spicy, hearty food one is so likely to find at any given baseball stadium (if indeed you are still allowed to smoke there!). You’ve got brat and beer, cotton candy and fries, the list goes on and the Blondie will add a great overall, mellow sweetness to the entire experience.

Another great stogie that fits excellently with the mood and spirit of the great American pastime is the historic and beloved White Owl Invincible cigar brand. Vintage White Owls made a huge splash back in the 1920s when they were officially endorsed by none other than the Sultan of Swat himself, Mr. Babe Ruth (as well as his wife Claire). White Owls, founded back in the 1800s are, surprisingly still made to this day. And though they’re completely machine made and inexpensive, are of surprisingly high quality (even their cigarillos are of above average construction and taste). The Invincible cigars tend to have a thinner than average body with a simple, but pleasant and very earthy Rolodex of flavors, what one might call a good “contemplation cigar.” So take the advice of ‘The Bambino’ and try out a White Owl Invincible at your next baseball party.

The last great cigar to smoke during a baseball game is the CAO CX2 and unlike the first two has really nothing to do with baseball history but rather everything to do with relaxation. Baseball is a slower-paced game in comparison to most other popular sports, such as football, and as such allows one more time for contemplation and conversation. It’s this quality which has so endeared baseball fans to great cigars. The CAO CX2 has a extremely smooth, woody and creamy flavor with a light and airy finish and a easy draw. It’ll pair perfectly with a tall frosty and that satisfying cracking of bats and chatter of the crowd.

Regardless of what kind of cigar you choose when watching baseball,  always remember the reason cigars work so well for the game to begin with are relaxation, contemplation, merriment. So the next time the crackerjacks are popping, the crowd is cheering for their team or an awesome play being made, and the bat is cracking, ease back with your choice cigar from The Cigar Store and you won’t be disappointed.

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