Established in 1888 in Switzerland, Villiger cigars by Villiger Sons Limited, are still a top seller in the tobacco business and continuing to receive high ratings as a top cigar contender. These machine-made medium-bodied smokes are packed with 3 different blends of Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos. The cigar is wrapped in a Honduran Connecticut wrapper and bound in a Honduran binder. The flavor profile gives off notes of coffee, cocoa and cedar with a hint of cinnamon. These deliciously premium cigars are a must-have for the humidor.
Villiger 125th Churchill cigars are expertly rolled in a popular
size of 7 x 50 at the legendary Plascencia factory in EstelĂ,
Nicaragua. Using some of the finest premium tobaccos available on
the market today, this cigar embodies quality and expertise. The
"125" in the name symbolizes Villiger's longstanding history of
producing beloved blends for over a century. Although famous for
their European Dry Cured cigars, Villiger has expanded their
brand portfolio to include moist handmade premium cigars with
much success. These celebratory cigars feature a gorgeous
Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and Nicaraguan binders and fillers from
the famed Plascencia farms. The end result is a long-lasting
smoke with lush notes of spice, toasted almonds, coffee bean, and
sweet cream. With impeccable construction, delicious flavor, and
an unbeatable price point, it's no doubt that Villiger 125
Churchill will become a staple in your daily cigar rotation.
The Villiger 1888 Robusto boasts a masterfully curated blend of
top-notch tobacco sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua,
and Ecuador. This results in a rich and satisfying smoke,
showcasing a delightful medley of wood, earth, leather, spice,
and subtle hints of cocoa. Encased in a stunning box that pays
homage to its long-standing legacy and dedication to excellence,
this cigar is meticulously handcrafted by experienced torcedores
to ensure an impeccable burn, effortless draw, and sturdy ash.
The Villiger 1888 Toro boasts a masterfully curated blend of
top-notch tobacco sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua,
and Ecuador. This results in a rich and satisfying smoke,
showcasing a delightful medley of wood, earth, leather, spice,
and subtle hints of cocoa. Encased in a stunning box that pays
homage to its long-standing legacy and dedication to excellence,
this cigar is meticulously handcrafted by experienced torcedores
to ensure an impeccable burn, effortless draw, and sturdy ash.
In 1888, VILLIGER was founded and introduced its first handmade
premium cigar with the same name. Now, the brand presents a new
addition to its line-up: the VILLIGER 1888 Nicaragua. This
impressive cigar comes in three sizes - Coronita, Robusto, and
Toro - packaged in a stylish dark blue cabinet box of 20 that
will surely stand out in your humidor. The medium-bodied blend of
tobaccos offers a delightful aromatic smoking experience with
subtle hints of leather and pepper. The taste is both cool and
rich, with delicious notes of chocolate and honey.
In the illustrious year of 1888, VILLIGER was established and
introduced their first handmade premium cigar bearing the same
name. Now, the renowned brand presents its latest offering: the
VILLIGER 1888 Nicaragua. This exceptional cigar comes in three
sizes - Coronita, Robusto, and Toro - elegantly packaged in a
dark blue cabinet box of 20 that is sure to stand out in any
humidor. Featuring medium-bodied tobaccos with subtle hints of
leather and pepper, this cigar offers a pleasant aromatic smoking
experience. Its cool and luscious taste is complemented by notes
of chocolate and honey.
had a tough go of it in the U.S. cigar market, but Holt's stepped
up to help by purchasing their entire inventory at discounts your
wallet won't forget. Demand for the powerful European brand had
left them almost stranded, unable to make any headway because their
prices were too high. Now that Holt's has breathed new life into
Villiger Cabarete with a savvy re-blend and re-packaging, smokers
across the country can enjoy these premium sticks without breaking
the bank.
Created by Nestor A. Plasencia in Danli, Honduras, Villiger
Corrida (which means "Bullfight" in Spanish) Honduras cigars
offer a top-quality premium cigar experience that doesn't
compromise. With each puff, these cigars reveal an impressive
depth and complexity, boasting the perfect balance of medium
strength and the irresistible character of Nicaragua's finest
tobacco. Crafted with a luxurious Oscuro wrapper and choice
Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Corrida Nicaragua bursts with lively
notes of dark chocolate, deep earth, and espresso.
For the best possible cigar enjoyment at a very affordable price,
Villiger Export cigars are made with the finest cigar tobaccos
sourced from the world's most fertile growing regions. In addition
to their natural Sumatra and Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrappers,
Villiger Exports are box-pressed for a rich, smooth taste that will
leave you wanting more. Try out Villiger today, and see why
everyone is so crazy about it.
The renowned Villiger company has unveiled their newest offering,
the La Capitana Toro cigars. For over a century, this company has
been producing top-notch European dry cured cigars. With their
success in the premium cigar market, they have now introduced an
exquisite Nicaraguan puro crafted by hand with the finest
Cuban-seed tobacco and a supple Habano wrapper. These cigars pay
homage to the sunken Spanish galleon known as La Capitana, which
sank with 2,000 boxes of gold and silver coins. Expect a
medium-bodied smoke filled with notes of leather, wood,
chocolate, and hints of citrus that will satisfy your cravings
all day long without breaking the bank. Get a bundle of 20 today
and discover an affordable yet delicious everyday cigar that
outshines its price point.
Crafted with precision and care, the Villiger Original Krumme
Culebra boasts a unique design of three intertwined, moistened
cigars. This distinctive curvature not only adds a touch of
elegance, but also serves to cool the air and enhance the rich
tobacco flavors to their maximum potential.
In order to provide you with the greatest possible pleasure at a
very reasonable price, Villiger cigars use the finest cigar
tobaccos from the world's most fertile growing regions.
To offer you maximum enjoyment at the most reasonable price,
Villiger cigars use the finest cigar tobaccos from the world's most
fertile growing regions.
tobacco blend aged to perfection, the Villager Selecto Connecticut
Churchill cigar is unrivaled. The cigar features a special
Nicaraguan tobacco blend that will keep your hands busy on a lazy
Sunday afternoon. Featuring the scrumptious flavors of cedar,
toast, and freshly baked bread, these unique calming tastes will
satisfy those looking for a sweet, uncomplicated smoke. With its
seven inches and fifty ring gauge, you'll be able to get all of
this in one hour.
Connecticut cigars were first unveiled in 2013, offering bundles of
an affordable Nicaraguan blend enclosed in golden Ecuador
Connecticut wrappers. Quality and smoker satisfaction were two
critical priorities for the brand, which have been overwhelmingly
achieved in producing a rich cigar with a mellow body and strength.
Complemented by creamy and nutty undertones, its toasty smoke
brings out cedar nuances as well as a pleasant aroma. This is an
excellent choice for beginner smokers, or anyone looking for a
milder everyday smoke - grab yourself a bundle now!
Connecticut cigars made their debut in 2013. An affordably-priced
Nicaraguan blend, these golden Ecuador Connecticut wrapped gems are
a perfect balance of value and quality. Enjoy the smooth, creamy
smoke with toasty notes of cedar and a sweet aroma. The mellow body
and strength make them ideal for novice cigar smokers and
experienced connoisseurs alike, who are looking for an everyday
option with milder taste. Get your bundle now!
Selecto Connecticut Churchill is one of the best hand-made cigars
available. Its special Nicaraguan tobacco blend has been aged to
perfection. This cigar is ideal to enjoy on a lazy afternoon. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.