VegaFina cigars are handmade in The Dominican Republic at Tabacalera de Garcia. The cigars are blended with a diverse recipe of Dominican, Colombian, and Honduran tobaccos bound in an Indonesian TBN (shade-grown) binder, then rolled in an attractive, lightly tanned Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. You'll enjoy a well-balanced, mild to medium-bodied smoke that's creamy, woody, nutty and naturally sweet on the finish. Great for everyday, the prices are reasonable, too. Order your box now.
One of the most sought-after Dominican cigars in Europe is Vega
Fina Churchill. Vega Fina is a smooth, aromatic smoke with medium
body that is hand-crafted at Tabacalera de Garcia, featuring a
luxurious, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. You
don't need a passport anymore to enjoy these cigars.
Experience the unique flavor of our medium-strength cigar,
boasting a creamy richness with hints of spice, coffee, and
earth. Its warm-brown Ecuadorian wrapper is complimented by a
binder from Nicaragua and filler leaves from the Dominican
Republic and Nicaragua. This carefully crafted blend features
aged leaves for a smooth and refined smoking experience. Adorned
with a patriotic theme, these special edition cigars are
presented in a collectible, numbered wooden box containing 10
cigars each. Don't miss out on this limited edition release -
only 1,776 boxes were produced. Secure your box(es) today.
Corona uses a unique blend of aged tobaccos from Colombia,
Dominican Republic, and Honduras. It is light, creamy, and has no
bad aftertaste...the perfect little mild smoke, packaged in a box
of 20.
Tabacalera de Garcia makes Vega Fina cigars in The Dominican
Republic. The cigars are blended with a diverse recipe of
Dominican, Colombian, and Honduran tobaccos bound in an Indonesian
TBN (shade-grown) binder, then rolled in an attractive, lightly
tanned Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The smoke is mild to medium
in body, creamy, woody, nutty and naturally sweet. Ideal for every
day, the price is reasonable.
In Europe, VegaFina Robusto cigars are among the most sought-after
Dominican cigars. VegaFina is a smooth, aromatic smoke with medium
body hand-crafted at the famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory,
featuring a luxurious, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade
wrapper. With this cigar, you don't need a passport to enjoy it.
The VegaFina Toro cigar is among the most sought-after Dominican
cigars in Europe. With a luxurious, hand-selected Ecuadorian
Connecticut Shade wrapper, VegaFina is a smooth, aromatic smoke
with medium body that is made at the legendary Tabacalera de Garcia
factory. No passport is required to enjoy these cigars.
The VegaFina Torpedo cigars are one of the most sought after
Dominican cigars in Europe. VegaFina, handcrafted in the famous
Tabacalera de Garcia factory, features a luxurious, hand-selected
Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper that makes it a smooth,
aromatic smoke with a medium body. Now you don't need a passport to
enjoy these cigars.
Retail Price:$203.20
Availability:In Stock
VegaFina Torpedo 5 pack
Showing 1 to 7
of 7
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.