Created in the My Father Cigars Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, San Cristobal Cigars are packed with a blend of %100 Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco and rolled in a dark, Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper and bound in a well-aged binder. The complex flavor profile includes hints earth and cedar and notes of chocolate, nuts, espresso. San Cristobal Cigars are skillfully constructed and capped with a Cuban-style triple cap.
There are four types of San Cristobal Clasico cigars. The
Nicaraguan wrapper is oily and dark, and the filler and binder are
Nicaraguan as well, so the cigar has a great full flavor and is
balanced. While it is full bodied, it is not overpowering. Each
cigar is finished with an impeccable triple cap in Cuban style.
San Cristobal might be a relative newcomer to the scene, but the
collaboration of Ashton Cigar Company and My Father Cigar has been
nothing short of transformative. Produced in the Garcia's factory
in Nicaragua, this cigar takes advantage of quality Nicaraguan
tobaccos in every aspect. Its dark wrapper is a testament to its
richness and oiliness, while its flavor profile displays an
invigorating balance between boldness and intricacy. Get ready for
robust flavors of earth, cedar and spices with a hint of light
notes to cap off your experience.
Since its introduction, San Cristobal has been shaking up the cigar
world. This collaboration between Ashton Cigar Company and My
Father Cigar is testament to what can be achieved when master
tobacconists work with outstanding Nicaraguan tobaccos. Artfully
crafted by the Garcia's factory in Nicaragua, these cigars offer
dark, oily Nicaraguan wrappers and an exquisite balance between
strength and complexity - each puff bringing out earthy, cedary
notes coupled with lighter nuances of cream and leather.
San Cristobal Monumento - San Cristobal Monumento cigars. Featuring
an oily dark Nicaraguan wrapper and Nicaraguan filler and binder,
San Cristobal cigars have a nice balance and full flavor. They are
Full Bodied but not overpowering. Each cigar is finished with a
Cuban triple cap with impeccable quality.
San Cristobal, a collaboration between Ashton Cigar Company and My
Father Cigar, has made an immediate impact in the cigar world.
Crafting their cigars at the Garcia's factory in Nicaragua, these
two brands have combined top-grade Nicaraguan tobaccos to create a
highly complex and balanced blend. These cigars feature Nicaraguan
wrappers with an oily sheen that provide deep earthy notes
accompanied by cedar, spices and lighter floral nuances. Strength
and flavor balance is expertly achieved through this exquisite
After two years of thorough blending and creating, San Cristobal
has come to life. Crafted with skill by Jose 'Don Pepin' Garcia,
who is swiftly becoming a celebrated figure in the industry, San
Cristobal is an elegant cigar designed for those with refined
taste. This all starts on the dark, abundant soils of Nicaragua.
Here, the robust Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper used in San Cristobal
springs forth, as well as its rich blend of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan
long-fillers. Meticulously balanced and lovingly aged, these
hand-picked tobaccos impart a deep, earthy smoke with intricate
hints of flavor.
Retail Price:$262.50
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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