Romeo y Julieta was one of the original Cuban cigars, beginning their legacy as a world famous brand. Nowadays, the version most are familiar with is produced in the Dominican Republic by Altadis U.S.A, the maker of other famous brands like Montecristo. At hand today? A medium to full-bodied version of the Romeo brand, the Romeo y Julieta.
Utilizing a robust blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua’s fertile soils to produce a medium to full-bodied, and full-flavored profile, this one’s sure to delight. The wrapper is a dark and oily Nicaraguan leaf, which conceals a long-filler mixture of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos secured by a Nicaraguan binder. The flavor is rich and robust, with earthy undertones and a smooth tobacco aftertaste. A peppery sweetness lingers after each puff, thanks to the thick wrapper.
Like many of the other Romeo y Julieta cigars before it, Reserve has received a well-deserved 90-rating, noting: “This cigar is rich in color and in flavor, as its toasty smoke becomes full of coffee bean notes and hickory character without being overpowering.”
The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Midnight Twist
showcases the bold and captivating qualities of the renowned
Romeo y Julieta brand. With a distinctive barber-pole wrapper
containing luscious Nicaraguan Maduro and Habano leaves, this
cigar offers a striking visual appearance paired with incredible
flavor. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, it boasts a full-bodied profile
that tantalizes the taste buds with rich nuances of dark
chocolate, coffee, and a touch of peppery spice, complemented by
a subtle sweetness. A true testament to the creativity and skill
of Romeo y Julieta, this cigar delivers an intricate and
gratifying smoking experience for aficionados seeking robust and
sophisticated flavors.
Retail Price:$309.28
Availability:In Stock
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Midnight Twisted Love Story 5 pack
As the first Honduran made Romeos available in over a decade, Romeo
y Julieta Habana Reserve Churchill Natural Cigars (7" x 54) are
full-bodied and full-bodied. A Nicaraguan/Honduran filler lends
this cigar a full-bodied taste and sweet aroma. Romeo y Julieta
cigars are synonymous with top quality and the Habana Reserve line
is no exception. Enjoy this cigar at an affordable price today.
Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Rothchild tubes are exquisite,
hand-rolled cigars that are quite popular among cigar smokers.
The cigars are made with a premium blend of Dominican and
Nicaraguan tobacco leaves that have helped make them stand out.
They're also wrapped in Ecuadorian wrappers, which enhance the
overall flavor and give them a classy look. These hand-made
beauties have a length of 5 inches and a ring gauge of 52, which
is the
perfect size for a relaxing vacation smoke. The cigars
come in beautifully crafted tin tubes that keep them fresh and
flavorful. They also make thoughtful gifts. It doesn't matter if
it's a party or a quiet evening at home, these cigars are sure to
Retail Price:$272.24
Availability:In Stock
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