Romeo y Julieta is an original Cuban cigar with a world-renowned legacy. Now, Altadis U.S.A - the maker of other stellar brands such as Montecristo - produces its version in the Dominican Republic. Today, this medium to full-bodied variant boasts a robust blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from fertile soils, secured by a Nicaraguan binder and held together by a dark and oily Nicaraguan wrapper. Characterized by earthy undertones and a smooth tobacco aftertaste, it exudes robustness with an added hint of peppery sweetness that lingers after each puff. It's no surprise then that Reserve was bestowed with a 90-rating for its "toasty smoke" filled with "coffee bean notes and hickory character".
We are the first to sell Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Amores.
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve is the newest line from Romeo y
Julieta! Made from Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos with a
Nicaraguan binder leaf. The combination of these flavors gives
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve a rich, earthy flavor.
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso - Romeo y Julieta Habana
Reserve Belicoso cigars. Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve cigars are
handcrafted in Honduras at Flor de Copan factory. The wrapper is a
dark and oily Nicaraguan leaf, concealing a blend of Nicaraguan and
Honduran tobaccos protected by a Nicaraguan binder. With a rich and
robust flavor that is accompanied by earthy undertones and a smooth
tobacco aftertaste, Habana Reserve Cigars are a great choice.
Retail Price:$333.52
Availability:In Stock
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Habana Belicoso 5 pack
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Churchill cigars. Romeo y Julieta
Habana Reserve cigars are handcrafted at the Flor de Copan factory
in Honduras. Under the dark and oily Nicaraguan wrapper is a long
leaf blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, which is then
protected by a Nicaraguan binder. There are earthy undertones and a
smooth tobacco aftertaste to the Habana Reserve Cigar line's rich,
robust flavor.
Retail Price:$365.36
Availability:In Stock
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Habana Churchill 5 pack
In Honduras, Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Corona cigars are
handcrafted at the Flor de Copan factory. Romeo y Julieta Habana
Reserve cigars are handcrafted. An oily, dark Nicaraguan leaf
covers the long-leaf mixture of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos,
which are bound by Nicaraguan tobacco leaves. A medium to
full-bodied cigar with a rich and robust flavor with earthy
undertones and a smooth tobacco finish is the trademark of Habana
Reserve Cigars.
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Robusto - Romeo y Julieta Habana
Reserve Robusto cigars. These cigars are made by Flor de Copan in
Honduras. Wrapped in a dark and oily Nicaraguan leaf, this cigar
conceals a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos protected by a
Nicaraguan binder. There is a strong earthy undertone and a smooth
tobacco aftertaste with the Habana Reserve Cigar line.
Retail Price:$288.58
Availability:In Stock
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Habana Robusto 5 pack
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Toro - These cigars are handcrafted
in Honduras at Flor de Copan. The wrapper is a dark and oily
Nicaraguan leaf that conceals a long-leaf blend of Nicaraguan and
Honduran tobaccos protected by a Nicaraguan binder. Habana Reserve
cigars have a medium to full body and rich, robust flavor that is
accompanied by earthy undertones and a smooth tobacco finish.
Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro Churchill cigars - Romeo y Julieta
Reserve Maduro Churchill cigars. Nicaraguan binder and Dominican,
Nicaraguan, Peruvian and Nicaraguan long fillers combine to create
an intense, full-bodied smoke with a sweet aroma and a much richer
flavor. Fans of Onyx Reserve will also enjoy this blend. Put them
right in your cart, or add them to your 'must try' list.
Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro No. 4 - Romeo y Julieta Reserve
Maduro No. 4 cigars. As part of the famous Romeo & Julieta
selection of fine premium cigars, the Romeo Y Julieta Reserve
Maduro #4 cigars have a dark, rich-tasting Connecticut Broadleaf
A delicious Nicaraguan binder and a hearty blend of Nicaraguan,
Peruvian and Dominican long fillers create a deep, full-bodied,
complex smoke with a sweet aroma and a much richer flavor. Fans of
Onyx Reserve will also enjoy this blend. Put them on your 'must
try' list today, or add them to your cart.
Retail Price:$362.74
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Maduro Robusto 5 pack
With a blend of Nicaraguan, Peruvian and Dominican long-fillers,
Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro Toro cigars offer a rich,
full-bodied blend enhanced by a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. This
smoke has rich, dark tobacco flavors and is smooth, well-balanced,
complex. Try 5 first.
Retail Price:$394.54
Availability:In Stock
Romeo y Julieta Toro Maduro 5 pack
Showing 1 to 11
of 11
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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