Rocky Patel Number 6 cigars are medium-bodied cigars made at Rocky Patel's El Paraiso factory in Honduras. Named for its blend number, which was the best of the samples, the line boasts an Honduran-grown Corojo wrapper with a core blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers framed by an Honduran binder. According to Rocky Patel Cigars Executive VP, Nish Patel, the Number 6 "is loaded with sweetness, and totally different than anything we've ever put out." The, dessert-like flavor profile offers well-balanced notes of coffee, earth, sweet spice, and a honeyed ribbon of caramel that weaves it all together.
Rocky Patel Number 6 cigars are medium-bodied smokes crafted in
Honduras at El Paraiso. Dubbed after its blend number, which was
the top pick of the samples, this line features a Honduran-grown
Corojo wrapper with a core blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers
wrapped in an Honduran binder. According to Rocky Patel Cigars
Executive VP, Nish Patel, the Number 6 "is incredibly sweet and
unlike any other cigar we've made." Its dessert-like taste is
well-balanced with tones of coffee, earth, sweet spice, and a
honeyed ribbon of caramel that bring everything together.
Rocky Patel Number 6 cigars are of medium-bodied stature, crafted
at the El Paraiso factory in Honduras. Donning the label of its
blend number - which was judged to be the highest quality of all
samples - this line features a Corojo wrapper grown in Honduras,
while being complimented by a blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan
fillers hugged by an Honduran binder. Nish Patel, Executive VP of
Rocky Patel Cigars, hails the Number 6 as "loaded with sweetness,"
claiming that it is unlike anything they've ever produced before.
The flavor profile exudes a delightful balance of coffee,
earthiness, sweet spice - all tied together in harmony by a ribbon
of caramel with honeyed undertones.
Rocky Patel Number 6 cigars are medium-bodied smokes crafted at the
El Paraiso factory in Honduras. Numbered by its blend number - the
best of the samples - this line features a Honduran-grown Corojo
wrapper and fillers comprising of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos
bound with an Honduran binder. According to Nish Patel, VP of Rocky
Patel Cigars, Number 6 cigar is "loaded with sweetness" distinct
from any other product from them. Enjoy a well-balanced flavor
profile with notes of coffee, earth, sweet spice along with a
honeyed caramel ribbon that ties it all together!
Rocky Patel Number 6 cigars are medium-bodied sticks made in Rocky
Patel's El Paraiso factory in Honduras. It was designated blend
number 6 after being selected as the cream of the crop and comes
with a Honduran Corojo wrapper, an Honduran binder, and a core
blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers. According to Nish Patel,
Executive VP at Rocky Patel Cigars, this cigar has a sweetness that
is unlike anything they've released before. Expect a balanced
flavor profile of coffee, earthiness, sweet spice, and caramel that
ties everything together nicely.
Retail Price:$246.80
Availability:In Stock
Rocky Patel Number 6 Toro 5 pack
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