Made in Nicaragua by a highly-respected cigar family with a fine Cuban heritage. The Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is one of the most exquisite tasting and all-around 'awesome' full-bodied cigars you'll ever smoke. Much richer and sweeter than the 1964 Natural, the Maduro presents a complex tapestry of flavors with traces of coffee bean, cocoa, and hazelnut. Handmade with 4-year-aged all-Nicaraguan tobaccos, these rare, box-pressed premiums are some of the world's most highly-rated and memorable cigars. A MUST-SMOKE!
The Padron Series 1964 Corona Maduro is crafted in Nicaragua by a
family boasting an impressive Cuban background. This cigar is often
regarded as one of the best full-bodied cigars available, boasting
a sweeter taste than its Natural counterpart, with notes of coffee
bean, cocoa and hazelnut. Handmade with Nicaraguan tobaccos aged
for at least four years, these box-pressed premiums are rated
highly around the world and make for an unforgettable smoking
experience. A must-try!
The Padron Series 1964 Diplomatico Maduro and Aniversario Imperial
Maduro cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua by a family with fine
Cuban roots. These full-bodied smokes are sure to please the
palate, offering a complex bouquet of coffee bean, cocoa, and
hazelnut flavors. Aged for four years with Nicaraguan tobaccos,
these box-pressed premiums have achieved great acclaim worldwide
and will leave an unforgettable impression.
The Padron 1964 Aniversario Exclusivo Maduro is an extraordinary
cigar crafted in Nicaragua by a well-known cigar family with a
Cuban ancestry. This full-bodied smoke is richer and sweeter than
its Natural counterpart, delivering a plethora of flavors from
coffee bean to cocoa and hazelnut. Each stick is handmade using 4
year-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos and is box-pressed for supreme
quality. The Padron 1964 Exclusivo Maduro will be one of the most
memorable smokes you'll ever enjoy and is certainly deserving of
its worldwide acclaim.
The Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is truly something remarkable.
Having been crafted in Nicaragua by a family of cigar connoisseurs
with deep Cuban roots, it is a full-bodied stick that stands out
amongst others. It boasts a far richer and sweeter flavor than its
natural counterpart and provides an array of coffee bean, cocoa and
hazelnut notes that amalgamate wonderfully well. Handmade using
four year aged Nicaraguan tobaccos and box-pressed to perfection,
it has become renowned globally for its quality and the
unforgettable smoking experience it offers. This is one cigar
you'll want to try!
A well-packed, semi-pressed, 54-ring Toro with a lush Maduro
wrapper is the Padron Series 1964 Imperial Maduro cigar. With
Padron's signature earthiness and cocoa, coffee bean, and hazelnut
flavors, this smoke is full-bodied, complex, and creamy-smooth with
a sweet aroma. Try 5 first!
It is one of the most exquisite tasting and all-around 'awesome'
full-bodied cigars you'll ever smoke. The Padron Aniversario
Monarca is made in Nicaragua by a highly-respected cigar family
with a fine Cuban heritage.
Handcrafted in Nicaragua by a family with a rich Cuban heritage,
the Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is truly unforgettable. Its
full-bodied complexity and 4-year aged tobaccos make it an
exceptional smoke, full of sweetness and flavor: coffee bean,
cocoa, and hazelnut all come together to create an exquisite taste
experience. These rare box-pressed premiums are some of the most
acclaimed cigars in the world; you simply must try one!
The highly esteemed Padron family, with Cuban roots, have crafted
the 1964 Aniversario Principe Maduro in Nicaragua. An absolutely
amazing full-bodied cigar, its flavors are much richer and sweeter
than the natural. With cocoa, hazelnut and coffee bean notes
swirling around in a complex mix, it's one of the most
sophisticated and memorable smokes available. Box-pressed and made
from 4 year-aged Nicaraguan tobacco, these rare premiums are
amongst the world's top rated cigars - an absolute MUST-TRY!
The Padron Series 1964 Pyramides Maduro is a cigar of distinction.
Made in Nicaragua by a family with a strong Cuban lineage, it
offers an unparalleled experience that encompasses rich and sweet
flavors, including coffee bean, cocoa, and hazelnut. Crafted with
4-year-aged all-Nicaraguan tobaccos and box-pressed to perfection,
these premiums are truly remarkable sticks. This special cigar is
highly rated the world over and not to be missed!
The Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is the epitome of an exquisite,
full-bodied cigar. Its blend of 4-year-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos
creates a complex, yet smooth tonality with notes of coffee bean,
cocoa, and hazelnut. Created by a renowned family with Cuban roots,
these rare box-pressed premiums have earned rave reviews from
around the world - and rightly so! It's a MUST-SMOKE for any
The Padron Series 1964 Superior Maduro is a Nicaraguan-made
masterpiece from a highly-respected cigar family with strong Cuban
roots. Boasting complex flavors of coffee bean, cocoa, and
hazelnut, this full-bodied smoke is far richer and sweeter than the
Natural version. Its 4 years of aging with all-Nicaraguan tobaccos
have resulted in this box-pressed premium earning some of the
world's highest ratings and becoming one of the most memorable
cigars available. A must for every aficionado!
The Padron Series 1964 Aniversario Torpedo Maduro is an incredibly
satisfying and exquisite cigar, handcrafted with 4-year-aged
all-Nicaraguan tobaccos. Its full-bodied aroma contains a
sophisticated blend of flavors such as coffee bean, cocoa and
hazelnut. This rare box-pressed premium has been highly rated
internationally and is sure to be an unforgettable experience. A
must for any aficionado!
Retail Price:$546.96
Availability:In Stock
Padron Series 1964 Torpedo Maduro 5 pack
Showing 1 to 13
of 13
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.