After a decade-long absence from the cigar world, Tim Ozgener is making his return with Ozgener Family Cigars. Founded in early 2022, the company has already earned high praise from publications like Halfwheel and won that magazine's New Company of the Year award. Experienced in cigars and their associated business since 1995, it didn't take long for Ozgener's new venture to make an impact. After leaving the C.A.O. brand in 2010, he stepped away to focus on philanthropic work and, secretly, became a silent partner with Crowned Heads Cigars while formulating his own plans over the years. Finally ready to make his mark once again, it looks as though Tim Ozgener and his family have come roaring back into the industry with a vengeance!
The Ozgener Aramas brand, founded by Tim Ozgener, is the result
of years of experience in the cigar industry. Tim's father, Cano,
was a renowned cigar maker who established CAO Cigars, a brand
recognized worldwide. Tim and his sister were involved in the
growth of CAO under their father's mentorship. Later on, Tim
collaborated with another cigar legend, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo of
EPC Cigars, to create the blend for Aramas. The blend features a
Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper, an Ecuadorian Habano binder,
and a filler of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and USA Connecticut
Broadleaf tobacco. This handmade cigar boasts a perfectly
balanced medium body with layers of complexity and impeccable
construction at Ernesto's Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican
The Ozgener Aramas brand, created by Tim Ozgener, is a result of
his family's rich history in the cigar industry. Tim's father,
Cano, was the founder of globally recognized CAO Cigars and both
Tim and his sister worked closely with him to expand the brand.
To develop the blend for Aramas, Tim partnered with renowned
cigar legend Ernesto Perez-Carrillo from EPC Cigars. The blend
consists of a Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper, an Ecuadorian
Habano binder, and a filler made up of tobacco from Nicaragua,
Dominican Republic, and USA Connecticut Broadleaf. The result is
a well-balanced medium-bodied cigar with deep complexity and
exceptional construction. Each cigar is carefully handcrafted at
Ernesto's Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic.
The Ozgener Aramas brand, founded by Tim Ozgener, is a tribute to
his father, Cano – a legendary cigar crafter who established the
renowned CAO Cigars. Working alongside their father, Tim and his
sister helped expand CAO's presence. Collaborating with another
cigar icon, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo of EPC Cigars, Tim created the
blend for the Aramas. It features a Mexican San Andres maduro
wrapper, an Ecuadorian Habano binder, and a filler blend of
Nicaraguan, Dominican, and USA Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco.
With an impeccable construction and medium-bodied profile, this
handmade cigar is known for its balanced complexity. The cigars
are crafted at Ernesto's Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican
The inaugural release from Ozgener Family Cigars, the Bosphorus
B54 cigars, shows that Tim Ozgener's new company is ready to
impress. These box-pressed 6.5x54 treats take inspiration from
their Turkish heritage: the name comes from the famous Bosphorus
Strait which passes through Istanbul, the country's capital.
Quality tobaccos are hand-selected by Tabacalera La Alianza;
underneath a Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper lies two Nicaraguan
and one Ecuadorian binder with an aged Nicaraguan long fillers
core. Together they make for a luscious, medium-full bodied smoke
packed with earthy notes, floral tones, tobacco sweetness, pepper
and cedar flavours.
Introducing Bosphorus B55 cigars, my recent humidor addition sure
to impress. Inspired by Tim Ozgener’s Turkish history, these
box-pressed 5.5x55 sticks draw their namesake from the Bosphorus
Strait located in Istanbul – the heart of Turkey. Nicaraguan long
fillers from Esteli, Jalapa and Ometepe are tucked inside dual
Nicaraguan Jalapa and Ecuadorian Connecticut binders before being
cloaked in a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper. Crafted at
Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, this stogie
bears a medium-full body with pepper, floral notes, tobacco
sweetness, earthy and cedar undertones. Certainly an enjoyable
smoke for my seasoned palate!
The Pi Synesthesia Limited Edition 2022 is an incredible
Connecticut-style smoke. This special cigar marks the merging of
modern art and Cuban-styled tobacco crafting. Drawing inspiration
from Cano Ozgener's art series of the same name, the cigars
feature a unique band that visualizes the digits of pi with
assigned colors and lengths arranged to match those digits. Each
6x52 cigar contains carefully aged Nicaraguan long filler
tobaccos at its core, enclosed by an Ecuadorian Connecticut
wrapper and binders of Ecuadorian Habano. The smoking experience
is rich in flavor, with medium body notes of baking spice, cedar,
sweet cream, roasted nuts and a floral aroma. There are only
2,500 boxes available, so don't miss out on this exclusive
Retail Price:$204.54
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Ozgener Family Cigars Pi Synesthesia 5 pack
Showing 1 to 6
of 6
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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