Onyx Reserve cigars are medium to full-bodied, Maduro cigars handmade in the Dominican Republic with Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder, and a rich-tasting Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. But the real kicker in this cigar is its spicy Peruvian, Cuban-seed Ligero tobaccos. This brand, which has earned a '94' score in Cigar Insider, is a must-smoke if you enjoy the depth and naturally sweet taste of Maduro cigars. PLEASE NOTE: Most sizes are box-pressed.
Onyx Reserve Churchill cigars are medium to full-bodied, Maduros
that have been expertly crafted in the Dominican Republic. They
feature a mix of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobaccos, a
Nicaraguan binder, and a Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. But
what really takes this cigar up a notch is its spicy Peruvian,
Cuban-seed Ligero tobaccos. Cigar Insider awarded this blend with a
'94' score - testament to its depth and naturally sweet flavor.
Most sizes in this line are box-pressed.
Onyx Reserve No. 2 Belicoso cigars boast a medium- to full-bodied
richness, with Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobaccos, a
Nicaraguan binder, and a Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper.
The real wow factor in this blend comes from the spicy Peruvian
Cuban-seed Ligero tobaccos contributing to its depth of flavor
and naturally sweet taste. It's no wonder why this brand earned a
'94' score in Cigar Insider - it's an absolute must-try for
Maduro lovers! Most sizes are box-pressed; get yours today!
Onyx Reserve Robusto cigars are the ideal choice for those who
appreciate full-bodied Maduros. The blend is crafted with Dominican
Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder, and a
Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. The real kicker here is the
spicy Peruvian, Cuban-seed Ligero tobaccos that bring remarkable
depth and naturally sweet flavor to the mix. This award-winning
brand has earned an incredible '94' score in Cigar Insider and most
sizes are box-pressed for added enjoyment.
Onyx Reserve Torbusto cigars are medium to full-bodied, handmade
in the Dominican Republic and boast a unique blend of Dominican
Piloto Cubano, Nicaraguan tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder,
Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper and spicy Peruvian,
Cuban-seed Ligero tobaccos. Rich and naturally sweet with a 94
score from Cigar Insider, these box-pressed delicacies are an
absolute must for Maduro lovers.
Onyx Reserve Toro cigars are the perfect choice for cigar
aficionados who crave a medium to full-bodied smoke. Carefully
crafted in the Dominican Republic, these premium smokes feature a
blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobaccos, as well
as a Nicaraguan binder and a Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper
for an intensely flavorful and naturally sweet taste. And thanks to
the addition of spicy Peruvian Ligero tobaccos, this '94' rated
cigar provides an even richer flavor profile. Most sizes are
box-pressed, so don’t hesitate – grab your Onyx Reserve Toro now!
Retail Price:$216.16
Availability:In Stock
Onyx Reserve Toro 5 Pack
Showing 1 to 5
of 5
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