Montecristo Classic cigars are the pinnacle of this legendary brand. Medium-bodied cigars simply don't come any better than this. The highest grade Connecticut Shade wrapper caps the finest Dominican binder and filler tobaccos, creating a veritable masterpiece. Its flawless construction produces smoke aplenty with each draw, and a supercharged version of creamy, familiar Montecristo mellowness melts into notes of cocoa and spice. More than just a fine cigar, it is the finest Montecristo.
The Montecristo Classic Collection Churchill cigar is the epitome
of this esteemed brand. These medium-bodied cigars offer the best
in terms of smoke and taste due to their Connecticut Shade wrapper
and blend of Dominican binder and fillers. Every draw presents a
bounty of creamy, yet flavorful smoke that is spiced with cocoa
notes. Truly, no other cigar from Montecristo captures excellence
quite as well.
One of the most iconic names in the business, Montecristo Classic
El Conde en Tubo (6.0"x 52) proudly boasts a 91-rating for its
flavor. This Dominican-made premium is crafted with a selection of
aged Dominican long-fillers and showcases a golden blond
Connecticut Shade wrapper.
Montecristo Classic Especial No. 1 cigars are widely renowned for
their quality and excellence. These medium-bodied beauties feature
the highest grade Connecticut Shade wrapper covering a blend of
Dominican binder and filler tobaccos, making them truly unique.
Each draw ensures a flavorful abundance of smoke, with creamy notes
combined with hints of cocoa and spice. Without question, this is
an outstanding cigar, the pinnacle of the Montecristo brand.
In addition to being one of the most iconic brands in the cigar
business, Montecristo Classic No. 2 (6.1"x 52) boasts a 91-rating
for its flavor. Montecristo Classic delivers smooth, creamy notes
of almonds and cream from aged Dominican long-fillers. A
Connecticut Shade wrapper also adorns this Dominican-made premium.
The Montecristo Classic No. 3 is the most prestigious smoke from
this renowned brand. Incorporating a Connecticut Shade wrapper and
the finest Dominican binder and filler tobaccos, it exudes
medium-bodied creamy smoothness, with a burst of cocoa and spice.
Not only does its impeccable construction provide for great draw,
but also makes it the best of the best in terms of taste and
Vermont and Washington state addresses cannot be shipped with these
items. With a high-grade Connecticut Shade wrapper and Dominican
binder and filler, Montecristo Classic Mini Cigarillos Connecticut
(2.8" x 20) deliver a smooth and mellow smoke with a smooth finish.
With the most recognizable band in the cigar world, the Montecristo
Classic stands out as a flavorful, smooth, yet complex smoke.
Robusto Robustos from Montecristo Classic Collection. This classic
cigar from Montecristo presents an already-classic smoke in a
classic shape. The 52 ring of this Dominican beauty is slightly
larger than the average Robusto, but you will appreciate its extra
heft once you're done smoking it. Its construction and draw are
stunning, and its flavor and aroma are unmatched.
A classic smoke in a classic shape, Montecristo Classic Collection
Toro cigars offer an already classic smoke. They feature
outstanding construction and draw as well as unmatched flavor and
aroma. Its 52 ring is slightly larger than the average Toro, but
you'll notice the extra weight when you smoke it.
The Montecristo Classic Collection Tubo Especial is an ultra-smooth
cigar that provides a flavorful finish. Introduced in 2005,
Montecristo Classic cigars have grown in popularity among smokers
across the country. Dominican filler tobaccos are used to make
these cigars, and the binders from the same region firmly hold them
in place. There is a mild tobacco flavor and smooth texture to the
smoke as a result of the shade-grown US Connecticut wrapper
enclosing the filler and binder.
Retail Price:$272.48
Availability:In Stock
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of 9
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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