With their rich history and reputation, Montecristo cigars are among the most popular cigars in the world and the standard by which practically all other premium cigars are judged. Meticulously hand-crafted at the Tabacalera de Garcia factory in the Dominican Republic for cigar smokers of every experience, you can buy Montecristo Yellow cigars in a wide choice of shapes and sizes. Find the Montecristo cigar that's right for you and add a box to your cart now. No humidor should be without them!
Montecristo Churchill cigars: Montecristo may be the most famous
cigar trademark in the world. Its mild taste, perfect construction,
and beautiful appearance of the Dominican Montecristo create an
unforgettable smoking experience.
Montecristo Double Corona - Montecristo Double Corona cigars are
one of the world's most famous cigar brands. Their mild taste,
perfect construction, and beautiful appearance make them
Montecristo cigars are renowned and so highly sought-after! Their
hand-crafted excellence can be found at the Tabacalera de Garcia
factory in the Dominican Republic, with a variety of sizes and
shapes available. The world's cigar smokers, no matter their level
of experience, can find the perfect Montecristo to add to their
collection. Every humidor should house this timeless classic! Make
sure to grab a box today.
Its mild taste, perfect construction, and beautiful appearance of
the Dominican Montecristo cigar create an unforgettable smoking
experience with Montecristo No. 1.
With its mild taste, perfect construction, and beautiful
appearance, the Dominican Montecristo No. 2 Torpedo cigar may be
the most famous cigar trademark in the world.
Montecristo Robusto cigars. Montecristo is one of the most famous
cigar brands in the world for its mild taste, perfect construction,
and beautiful appearance.
The Count of Monte Cristo's 100 Days chapter inspired Montecristo
Volume 1: 100 Days Churchill. Featuring a rich Ecuadorian Habano
wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan
fillers that are 10 years old. An extra 100 days are spent aging
this sophisticated cigar in aromatic cedar bins. You'll get a
smooth, medium-bodied smoke with notes of leather, wood, spices,
and cocoa. Each cigar is then dressed in double white bands and
placed in collectible cedar boxes that resemble The Count of
Monte Cristo. Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days Churchill is 7 x 56
and is available in boxes of 10.
Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days Churchill is a beautifully crafted
Honduran cigar based on the 100 Days chapter in The Count of
Monte Cristo. Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, a Nicaraguan
binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper make up this
sophisticated blend. The cigars are aged for 100 days in aromatic
cedar bins, adding to
their decadent aroma. Medium-bodied, this smoke
has hints of spices, cocoa, wood, and leather with a gentle,
sweet finish. When they're done aging, they're covered in white
bands that contrast with the rich wrapper and put in cedar boxes
like the Count of Monte Cristo. A collectible box of 10 cigars
with the Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days
The Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days Toro is a decadent
medium-bodied smoke with notes of cocoa, leather, wood, and
spices. The aging process and box were inspired by the 100 Days
chapter in The Count of Monte Cristo. Handmade in Honduras using
Ecuadorian Habano wrappers, Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, and
a Nicaraguan binder. It's then aged for another 100 days in
aromatic cedar bins to give the cigars their dreamy aroma.
Lastly, there are ornate silver bands that span the length of the
sticks. These bands are then packed in a cedar box that looks
like The Count of Monte Cristo book. Montecristo Volume 1: 100
Days Toro comes in collectible boxes of 10.
Retail Price:$173.36
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Showing 1 to 10
of 10
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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