The Micallef Cigars partnership combines the expertise of Al Micallef, with expertise in global commerce, with Gomez Sanchez, with expertise in handcrafting the finest cigars.
Crafted by third-generation cigar experts Joel and Edel
Gomez-Sanchez, the Micallef Black boasts a full-bodied yet
flavorful profile. Rich cocoa notes are complemented by hints of
leather, sweetness, and spice. An Ecuadorian Habano binder and
Nicaraguan filler are encased in an impressive Mexican San Andres
maduro wrapper. Handmade at the Micallef Cigars factory in
Nicaragua, this cigar offers a smooth smoking experience with a
satisfying kick. Best of all, its affordable price makes it a
wallet-friendly indulgence.
An exceptionally robust and tasty cigar, featuring delectable
hints of cocoa and accents of leather, sweetness, and spice. Its
striking Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper encases an Ecuadorian
Habano binder and Nicaraguan filler. Crafted by third-generation
cigar artisans Joel and Edel Gomez-Sanchez who are the exclusive
blenders for Micallef Cigars. These top-quality cigars are
meticulously handmade at the Micallef Cigars factory in
Nicaragua. The renowned Micallef Black provides a luscious
smoking experience with a bold kick, all at a budget-friendly
price point.
A mild smoke with a buttery profile and notes of spice and earth.
Its Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper is covered in Nicaraguan
Habano binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler leaves. A
crisp, mellow smoking experience that is perfect at any time of
the day, the Micallef Connecticut is handcrafted in Nicaragua.
The Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper is topped with
Nicaraguan Habano binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler
leaves to create a mild smoke with a buttery profile and earthy
notes. Micallef Connecticut cigars are handmade in Nicaragua and
offer a crisp and mellow smoking experience.
At Micallef, we take pride in our diverse selection of cigars
that cater to every budget. From the high-end to more
budget-friendly options, each one boasts exceptional flavor and
expert craftsmanship. Take, for instance, the Micallef Torcedores
Churchill - a mild to medium-bodied Nicaraguan Churchill with a
sleek Mexican San Andres Sumatra wrapper, Honduran binder, and a
complex blend of mixed-filler Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian
tobaccos. Its smooth yet rich profile at such an affordable price
is sure to impress even the most discerning enthusiasts.
The Micallef brand proudly offers a range of cigars to suit every
budget, from super-premium options to more affordable choices.
Rest assured, even with the latter, you'll find the same
exceptional flavor and expert craftsmanship present in all of our
renowned offerings. Take the Micallef Torcedores Churchill, for
example. With a sleek Mexican San Andres Sumatra wrapper, a
Honduran binder, and a complex blend of mixed-filler Dominican,
Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobaccos, this mild to medium-bodied
Nicaraguan Churchill boasts a smooth yet rich profile that will
surely have aficionados doing a double-take at its price point.
Retail Price:$150.00
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Micallef Torcedores Torpedo 5 pack
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Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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