Antillian Cigar Corporation, best known for its Sosa brand, is celebrating 50 years in the cigar industry with a new version of its Macabi cigar. Ecuador Habano wrapper, a Honduran binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Colombia. All of the tobacco was procured from the Oliva Tobacco Co.
The Macabi Belicoso Fino - Macabi Connecticut cigar is made with
Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, select Connecticut shade
wrappers, and select binders from the San Andreas Valley. This is
an excellent cigar with a smooth and mellow taste. Its dark wrapper
and oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper make it a flavorful cigar,
but its creamy and smooth smoke is still a result of the heavier
In this Macabi Belicoso Fino Maduro, Dominican and Nicaraguan
fillers, San Andreas Valley binders, and the finest Connecticut
shade wrapper are used. The Macabi Maduro cigar has an oily
Connecticut broad leaf wrapper and a dark wrapper. This cigar has a
smooth and mellow taste. The heavier wrappers make it a flavorful
cigar, but it is still a creamy and smooth smoke.
Featuring Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, Connecticut shade
wrappers, and select binders from the San Andreas Valley, Macabi
Corona Extra - Macabi Connecticut is a great cigar that delivers a
smooth and mellow taste. Featuring a dark wrapper and an oily
Connecticut broad leaf wrapper, the Macabi Maduro cigar is
flavorful as well as creamy and smooth.
Featuring Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, select San Andreas
Valley binders, and the finest Connecticut shade wrapper, Macabi
Corona Extra Maduro - Macabi Connecticut is a fantastic cigar with
a smooth and mellow taste. The Macabi Maduro is made with a dark
wrapper and an oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper. This cigar is
rich in flavor, but is still a smooth and creamy smoke thanks to
the heavier wrappers.
The Macabi Double Corona - Macabi Connecticut cigar is made up of
Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, and the finest Connecticut shade
wrapper. Macabi Maduro cigars are smooth and mellow in flavor. They
are made from an oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper and a dark
wrapper. These heavier wrappers make this cigar a flavorful cigar,
while still being a creamy and smooth smoke.
With Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, binders from the San Andreas
Valley, and a Connecticut shade wrapper, Macabi Double Corona
Maduro - Macabi Connecticut delivers a smooth and mellow taste that
is sure to please. Macabi Maduro is made with a dark wrapper and an
oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper. Despite the heavy wrappers,
this cigar is still smooth and creamy.
Macabi Media Corona - Macabi Connecticut is made up of Dominican
and Nicaraguan fillers, select binders from the San Andreas Valley,
and the finest Connecticut shade wrapper. This smoke delivers a
smooth, mellow flavor. The Macabi Maduro is made with a dark
wrapper and an oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper, making it a
flavorful cigar while still offering a creamy, smooth smoke.
Macabi Media Corona Maduro - Macabi Connecticut is made up of
Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, selected binders from the San
Andreas Valley, and the finest Connecticut shade wrapper. This
cigar delivers a smooth and mellow taste. The Macabi Maduro cigars
feature a dark wrapper and an oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper.
These heavier wrappers make it a flavorful cigar, while still being
smooth and creamy.
Macabi No. 1 - Macabi Connecticut has Dominican and Nicaraguan
fillers, San Andreas Valley binders, and Connecticut shade
wrappers. This cigar delivers a smooth and mellow taste, and comes
with a dark wrapper and an oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper. The
heavier wrappers make this a flavorful cigar, while still giving it
a creamy and smooth finish.
No. 1 Maduro - Macabi Connecticut is made up of Dominican and
Nicaraguan fillers, select binders from the San Andreas Valley, and
the finest Connecticut shade wrapper. This cigar has a smooth,
mellow taste. Macabi Maduro has a dark wrapper and an oily
Connecticut broad leaf wrapper. Despite being a creamy and smooth
cigar, these heavier wrappers make Macabi Maduro a flavorful cigar.
It is made with Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, top-quality
Connecticut shade wrapper, and select binders from the San Andreas
Valley. It has a smooth and mellow taste and is made with a dark
wrapper and oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper. These heavier
wrappers make this a flavorful cigar, while still being a creamy
and smooth smoke. Macabi Maduro is made with a dark wrapper and
oily Connecticut broad leaf wrapper.
With Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, San Andreas Valley binders
and the finest Connecticut shade wrapper, Macabi Royal Corona
Maduro - Macabi Connecticut is an outstanding cigar that delivers a
smooth and mellow taste. A darker wrapper and oily Connecticut
broad leaf wrapper make this a flavorful cigar that still tastes
creamy and smooth. Macabi Maduro features a dark wrapper and oily
Connecticut broad leaf wrapper.
Super Corona - Macabi Connecticut is a blend of Dominican and
Nicaraguan fillers, San Andreas Valley binders, and Connecticut
shade wrappers. With a dark wrapper and an oily Connecticut broad
leaf wrapper, Macabi Maduro is an excellent cigar that delivers a
smooth, mellow taste. These heavier wrappers make this cigar a
flavorful cigar, while also maintaining a creamy and smooth taste.
In addition to Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, Macabi Connecticut
uses select Connecticut shade wrappers and binders from the San
Andreas Valley for this blend. With a dark wrapper and oily
Connecticut broad leaf wrapper, Macabi Maduro is a smooth and
mellow cigar that delivers a smooth and mellow taste. Despite being
a creamy and smooth smoke, these heavier wrappers make this a
flavorful cigar.
Retail Price:$260.00
Availability:In Stock
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of 14
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