Created by Don Eduardo León Jimenes, La Aurora Cigars have been a Dominican Republic staple for over 100 years. These cigars are superior, premium brand cigar promising the finest smoking experience out there. These cigars are full of flavor and created to for the ultimate cigar smoker.
Tabacalera La Aurora's 107 year history has been celebrated in the
creation of La Aurora 107 Gran 107 Natural cigars. Guillermo Leon
blended select Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers with a
Dominican binder, all rolled into a lush Ecuadorian-grown wrapper
to create this medium-bodied masterpiece. Woody and peppery at
first, the flavors evolve into more creamy, earthy and nutty notes,
accompanied by hints of nutmeg, cinnamon and caramel. In sum, a
luxurious and complex smoke. Celebrate 107 years of cigar making
excellence by trying a box today.
In honor of Tabacalera La Aurora's 107 years in business, Guillermo
Leon crafted the La Aurora 107 Robusto Natural cigars. A blend of
Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers, a Dominican binder and
Ecuadorian-grown wrappers create a medium-bodied cigar that starts
off woody and peppery, then moves into nutmeg, cinnamon and caramel
notes. This is a rich and complex smoke worthy of the occasion;
celebrate the legacy with a box today!
La Aurora 107 Toro Natural cigars were crafted to commemorate
Tabacalera La Aurora's long-standing tradition of 107 years in the
business. Handcrafted by Guillermo Leon, these medium-bodied cigars
combine select Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers with a
Dominican binder, all rolled into an Ecuadorian-grown wrapper. As
you kick off your experience, a woody and peppery profile will be
awaiting you; as the smoke progresses, creamy, earthy and nutty
nuances will emerge along with hints of nutmeg, cinnamon and
caramel. Summing up, this is a rich-tasting and complex cigar -
grab a box today and celebrate 107 years of outstanding
achievements in cigar making!
La Aurora ADN Dominicano, which translates to 'Dominican DNA',
was initially exclusive to the Dominican Republic. However, it is
now available in the USA! This cigar features a remarkable
tobacco leaf called Andullo, which has an ageing process unique
to the Dominican Republic - as opposed to other tobaccos
typically aged by hanging from rafters and placed in pilones.
Instead, after harvesting, they are twisted into Yaguas - palm
seed pods - and gently rotated throughout the ageing process. The
cigar is comprised of a veiny Dominican wrapper, a Cameroonian
binder and an array of fillers including Andullo, Nicaraguan,
Dominican Cibao and Pennsylvania tobaccos. It's medium-full
bodied with hints of cinnamon, spice, cherry toast, fruit and
black pepper. From its blend to its distinctive ageing method
topped off with its own iconic ring adorned with the Dominican
flag; this smoke is a beautiful homage to the Dominican Republic!
Today, your friends at La Aurora present you with a Cigar History
lesson. In order to age ADN Dominicano cigars, a very hard-to-grow
strain of tobacco called Andullo is wrapped like a rope in palm or
yucca leaves (called 'yaguas') rather than using the traditional
Dominican fermentation process of building and turning tobacco
hands in pilons.
Today, your friends at La Aurora bring you a Cigar History lesson.
In La Aurora ADN Dominicano cigars, an age-old Dominican
fermentation process is employed that eliminates the usual building
and turning of tobacco hands in pilons; instead, the tobacco is
wrapped like a rope in palm leaves (called 'yaguas') or
hard-to-grow strains of tobacco called Andullo.
Your friends at La Aurora bring you a history lesson of cigars
today. As part of La Aurora ADN Dominicano cigars, an old Dominican
fermentation process is employed that goes beyond the usual
building and turning of tobacco hands in pilons. Instead, a
hard-to-grow tobacco strain called Andullo is wrapped like a rope
in palms or yucca leaves (called 'yaguas') to age.
It was originally created in the Dominican Republic's oldest
continuous cigar factory, which has been producing cigars since
1903. Only 200,000 La Aurora Preferidos are produced every year,
making them one of the world's most sought after cigars!
Retail Price:$210.00
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
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Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.