Joya de Nicaragua has quite a reputation for making potent cigars,
and the Joya Red Short Churchill is no exception. This particular
blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from Estel, Condega and Jalapa is
expertly rolled in a Habana wrapper leaf, giving it a balanced
flavour with medium body, nutty notes and subtle hints of pepper.
Best yet, you don't have to pay an arm and leg for this quality
smoke - grab yourself a box or try out a 5-pack right away!
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.