Gran Habano cigars is owned and operated by the Rico family, which has a history in the tobacco industry that spans three generations. Guillermo and George Rico the father and son team that run the company from their headquarters in Miami, Florida own the G.R. Tabacaleras Unidas in Honduras where their cigars have been handmade since 1998. They launched their core line of premium cigars in 2003. Gran Habano cigars are regarded for their traditional cigar-making methods, excellent craftsmanship, and memorable flavors.
This cigar features a lush rosado wrapper crafted from
Nicaragua's Jalapa Valley that has been aged for four years. A
beautiful Nicaraguan wrapper is surrounded by a rich Nicaraguan
binder and filled with Colombian, Nicaragua, and Peru fillers. In
addition to its rich and bold strength, this cigar has
sophisticated flavors that will make it unforgettable.
There is a Nicaraguan and Costa Rican long leaf tobacco filler in
this Gran Habano profile, along with a Nicaraguan Habano binder,
all held together by a dark, flawless Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper.
This combination delivers rich, full-bodied flavors of dark
chocolate and spice in boxes of 20.
Handmade in Honduras, the Gran Habano La Conquista cigar is a
medium to full-bodied cigar with a natural Nicaraguan Corojo
wrapper. The Honduran wrapper contains filler tobaccos from Costa
Rica, Nicaragua, and Colombia. This cigar is encased in a cedar
sleeve to protect it and preserve its flavors. The Gran Habano La
Conquista has a spicy and peppery profile accented with cedar and
tobacco notes.
This delicious blend has been crafted to provide a smooth, delicate
smoke. Boasting a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, this cigar
will rival the likes of Macanudo and Ashton. Its core is made from
Nicaraguan long-fillers and binder. You will find notes of cream,
toast, nuts, leather and coffee while you enjoy its slow burn which
hovers between mild and medium-bodied. Highly enjoyable - the #1
Connecticut is sure to satisfy.
Gran Habano #1 handmade Honduras cigars are highly praised for
their affordability and appealing selection of petite cigar sizes,
exclusive to the Rico brothers' elite range. The Gran Habano
Connecticut wrapped cigar is renowned for its smooth sweetness, and
the familiar green boxes often signal an upgrade in taste at an
unbeatable price. For those unfamiliar with cigarillos of a milder
variety, taking the plunge with Gran Habano #1 will certainly be
worth it.
The medium to full body blend, Gran Habano #3 Imperial Habano (6" x
60) delivers a bold taste with Nicaraguan and Costa Rican long
fillers and a Nicaraguan-grown Habano wrapper. Handmade, premium
cigars bursting with flavor that will leave your mouth watering.
Connecticut #1, Habano #3, and Corojo #5 are all three distinct
Gran Habano blends. These small treats are packed with the same
flavor as everyone's favorite Gran Habano. Beautifully packaged,
the mini cigarillos bring maximum satisfaction. Perfect for when
you're on the go!
There is no question that the Gran Habano Corojo No. 5 Robusto
cigars are one of the most popular cigars. There is no denying
their earthy, sweet spice, and woody flavors are so satisfying,
cigar smokers of all levels keep coming back for more. Add a box to
your cart today.
The Gran Habano Corojo No. 5 Imperiales is a full-bodied smoke that
packs a flavorful punch. Its Nicaraguan Corojo Colorado Maduro
wrapper offers dark chocolatey notes, with hints of spice, and is
wound around Nicaraguan Habano binder and long-filler leaves from
Costa Rica and Nicaragua. A thick toro length often appeals to both
the experienced smoker and cigar novice alike. Handcrafted in
Honduras, this potent stick can help expand any smoking experience.
Retail Price:$219.60
Availability:In Stock
Showing 1 to 9
of 9
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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