The Diesel Vintage Series is a fantastic new range of high-quality cigars that offer incredibly flavorful, well-aged tobaccos at an affordable price. This line is a collaboration between renowned cigarmaker AJ Fernandez and Justin Andrews, the mastermind behind STG's award-winning premium brands. The blend features a stunning Mexican San Andrés wrapper, a Habano binder from Estelí, Nicaragua, and aged Habano fillers from Jalapa, Nicaragua - all grown on the Fernandez family farms throughout the country. This combination of superbly aged vintage tobaccos creates one of the smoothest and most flavorful full-bodied smokes I have ever experienced. From start to finish, I was met with rich notes of pepper, earth, sweet spice, and hazelnut that remained perfectly balanced on the palate. For those seeking exceptional flavor, complexity, and value in a handmade cigar, you simply must give Diesel Vintage Series a try.
Introducing the fantastic Diesel Vintage Series - a remarkable
collection of high-quality cigars with a unique aim: to deliver
strikingly rich tastes of well-aged tobaccos at an affordable
price. This line is the result of a collaboration between
esteemed cigar maker AJ Fernandez and Justin Andrews, known for
his award-winning range of premium brands at STG (Scandinavian
Tobacco Group). The blend features a luscious, dark Mexican San
Andrés wrapper, paired with a Habano binder from Estelí,
Nicaragua, and Habano fillers from Jalapa, Nicaragua - all aged
for 5-8 years. These tobaccos are exclusively sourced from the
Fernandez family's farms throughout the country. The combination
of these vintage ingredients creates one of the smoothest,
full-bodied cigars I have ever experienced. From the moment I lit
it up, I was met with incredibly rich flavors of pepper, earth,
sweet spice, and hazelnut that remained perfectly balanced and
gentle on the palate until the very end. For those seeking
exceptional taste, complexity, and value in a premium handmade
cigar - look no further than Diesel Vintage Series. It's an
absolute must-try.
The Diesel Vintage Series cigar breaks new ground as a fearless
blend that defies traditional cigar standards. A partnership
between Justin Andrews of Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) and
renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez, this collaboration solidifies
their longstanding relationship. With a focus on quality, the
blend captures aged filler leaves from Jalapa, Nicaragua and a
Habano binder from Esteli, Nicaragua. Topped with a flavorful
Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper, the tobacco for both binder
and filler were sourced exclusively from Fernandez's own farms.
This meticulously crafted cigar is meant to provide enthusiasts
with an unrivaled taste of vintage tobacco at its finest.
There are notes of cocoa, hazelnut, pepper, and leather in this
full-bodied cigar. The cigar has a deep dark brown Mexican San
Andres maduro wrapper that encloses a Nicaraguan binder and
Nicaraguan filler leaves carefully aged in Nicaragua. A legendary
cigar crafter, AJ Fernandez, handcrafts the Diesel Vintage Series
cigars in Nicaragua. It is available for a wallet-friendly price
and has an excellent construction, rich complexity, and a rich
taste. It pairs well with a dark brown ale or bourbon.
This cigar is full-bodied and delivers aromas of cocoa, hazelnut,
pepper, and leather. Its deep dark brown Mexican San Andres
maduro wrapper conceals a Nicaraguan binder and carefully aged
Nicaraguan filler leaves. Diesel Vintage Series cigars are
handcrafted in Nicaragua by renowned cigar crafter AJ Fernandez,
with an excellent construction, rich complexity, and affordable
price. It pairs well with a dark brown ale or a bourbon.
The Diesel Vintage Series is an exceptional new line of premium
cigars that offers exquisitely rich flavors from aged tobaccos at
an affordable price. A collaboration between well-known cigar
maker AJ Fernandez and Justin Andrews, the mind behind STG's
award-winning brands, this line features a glossy Mexican San
Andrés wrapper, a Habano binder from Estelí, Nicaragua, and
Habano fillers from Jalapa, Nicaragua. These fillers have been
aged for 5-8 years on Fernandez family farms throughout the
country. This combination of carefully aged vintage tobaccos
resulted in one of the smoothest full-bodied cigars I have ever
had the pleasure of smoking. Upon lighting, I was met with
intense notes of pepper, earth, sweet spice, and hazelnut that
remained perfectly balanced on the palate until the very end. If
you desire exceptional flavor, complexity, and value in a premium
handmade cigar, then look no further than the Diesel Vintage
Series – it is an absolute must-try.
Retail Price:$181.82
Availability:In Stock
Diesel Vintage Toro 5 pack
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of 5
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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