Diesel cigars are the finely tuned sports cars of the cigar world. With plenty of power under the hood, yet a remarkably graceful and smooth ride, there’s plenty to love about this high-octane blend. Started in Nicaragua under the watchful eye of renowned blender A.J. Fernandez, Diesel is a high-octane blend that strives to bring top-shelf quality and flavor to Everyday Joe at everyman prices. So go ahead, put the pedal to the floor and grab some Diesels today.
Estelí, a Nicaraguan city renowned for its cigars, is home to
tobacco fields that produce strong and spicy leaves. A.J.
Fernandez, an iconic figure of the cigar industry, has spearheaded
Diesel Cigars with full-bodied blends made up of tobacco found in
many of his farms. The latest addition to the Diesel range includes
only the finest products from A.J.'s La Lilia Farm (wrapper) and
San José farm (binder), as well as several other plots (fillers).
Estelí has become renowned in the cigar industry for its strong,
spicy leaves of premium tobacco. A.J. Fernandez, a legend within
the field, is behind Diesel Cigars - renowned for their full-bodied
blends utilizing Nicaraguan tobacco grown at numerous of his farms.
The latest addition to the Diesel family is no exception - only the
best that these Nicaraguan farms have to offer. The expertly
crafted blend includes a wrapper from A.J.'s La Lilia Farm, binder
from his San José farm, and fillers from several plots.
Estelí, the city in Nicaragua where most of the nation's cigars are
rolled, is home to renowned tobacco fields known for their strong
and spicy leaves. Spearheaded by A.J. Fernandez, an icon in the
cigar industry, Diesel Cigars are celebrated for their full-bodied
blends featuring Nicaraguan tobacco mostly grown on his farms. The
latest edition of Diesel cigars is made up only of the best
harvests from said farms: a wrapper coming from La Lilia Farm,
binder from San José farm, and fillers from various plots.
Diesel has climbed the ranks of popularity among the full-body
cigar market in recent years, and with the Grind line, it is sure
to keep that trend going.
wrapped around a powerful combination of long-fillers from three
different regions in Nicaragua and Esteli ligero. From the first
puff you'll be enticed by notes of espresso, earth, black pepper
and leather, each one coming through strongly as your journey with
this smoke comes to an end. Unfortunately, THIS ITEM CANNOT BE
Searching for a cigar with immense flavor? Look no further than
Diesel, the brainchild of master blender AJ Fernandez. Crafted in
Estelí, Nicaragua, these full-bodied premiums feature a
Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper with Nicaraguan long-fillers aged
for three years. Each puff takes you on an aromatic journey with
notes of leather, spice and espresso. It's no surprise that this
deliciously balanced blend is one of Fernandez's most popular
creations; add it to your collection today.
a full-bodied flavor from start to finish. These smokes have a
perfectly balanced blend that's sure to satisfy any cigar
The iconic Diesel was the cigar to start a true titan of the
industry. Handcrafted in Esteli, Nicaragua by revered blender
A.J. Fernandez, it features a bold Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper
and powerhouse long-fillers grown in the rich, volcanic soils of
Nicaragua. Initially only available in the robust "Unholy
Cocktail" blend, Diesel has since expanded with two more blends
that deliver an unmatched level of excellence. If you're looking
for something special, this off-centered handmade is sure to hit
the spot - like a thick, juicy porterhouse steak!
The Diesel Whiskey Row Founder's Collection Boxergrail features a
collaboration between Diesel and Rabbit Hole Founder’s Collection
- combining one of the brightest rising stars in tobacco with an
American classic of rye whiskey. Each box includes ten
proprietary blend cigars that boast fiery Nicaraguan Habano
filler and a specially fermented Nicaraguan barrel aged binder.
The cigars also feature a delightful Maduro Connecticut Broadleaf
wrapper for added flavor. Measuring six inches by fifty-two ring
gauge, each cigar offers an intensely fiery hour of smoking
pleasure. With ten cigars per box, it's hours of powerful joy.
Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask was crafted with the assistance of
Tabacalera Fernandez in Estelí, beginning with aging barrels of
sherry. Justin Andrews, the brand manager for Diesel, noted that
this blend involves Pedro Ximénez 30-Year-Old Sherry barrels
formerly utilized by Rabbit Hole for their PX Sherry Finish.
Arapircaca Brazilian binder leaf which has been aged in Rabbit
Hole's Sherry Casks is an added component to give extra depth of
flavor to the mix.
After aging in barrels of sherry at Tabacalera Fernandez in Estelí,
Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask went through the whole process.
Justin Andrews, the brand manager for Diesel, stated that “the
blend will use barrels that were formerly used for Pedro Ximénez
30-Year-Old Sherry. Rabbit Hole then employed these chambers to
place its bourbon with a wheat mash bill in them to create the PX
Sherry Finish.” The Arapircaca Brazilian binder leaf is aged in
Rabbit Hole Sherry Casks to impart distinctive depth of flavor to
this remarkable blend.
Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask was put through its paces, including
being aged in specially-selected barrels of Pedro Ximenéz
30-Year-Old Sherry at Tabacalera Fernandez in Esteli. Justin
Andrews, the brand's manager, commented that “the blend will make
use of barrels previously used by Rabbit Hole for their PX Sherry
Finish bourbon and wheat mash bill.” Finally, to give this already
great blend an extra depth of flavor, Arapircaca Brazilian binder
leaf has been married with Rabbit Hole's Sherry Casks.
The Diesel Whiskey Row cigars feature a Mexican San Andres binder
aged in Rabbit Hole Kentucky bourbon barrels.
Retail Price:$286.78
Availability:In Stock
Diesel Whiskey Row Toro 5 pack
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