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Davidoff Escurio Cigars
Davidoff cigars are known all over the world for their immaculate construction, their exquisite blending of the finest tobaccos, and being exclusive and hard-to-find. Davidoff Escurio is the follow-up to the highly rated Davidoff Nicaragua cigar, and is handcrafted at the company’s factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. As with Davidoff Nicaragua, blending of this cigar was guided by Henke Kelner and Eladio Diaz, and this blend was created to be spicy-sweet. The Davidoff Escurio is draped with an oily and dark Ecuador Habano wrapper with a Brazilian cubra binder and Brazilian cubra, Brazilian mata fina, Dominican San Vicente, piloto, and olor/piloto secos long-fillers. Expect a well-constructed, slow-burning, medium bodied cigar with plenty of complexity. Your palate will dance a lively Samba with rhythmic notes including leather, cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Embrace the joy and vibrancy of Brazil and order Davidoff Escurio while they’re in stock.
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Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Escurio new

Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Escurio
Package: Packs of 200
Size: 3.25 x 20
Strength: Medium
Shape: Cigarillo


Experience the luxurious and exciting flavors of a Davidoff Escurio Mini Cigarillo. Crafted by our Master Blenders, this 5 minute smoke offers a beautifully balanced taste journey. Blending mini cigarillos with a 20 RG presents a unique challenge, but we rose to the occasion and created an experience reminiscent of our typical Escurio flavors. With Brazilian tobaccos in the filler and a Brazilian binder and Ecuadorian wrapper, enjoy sweet and spicy aromas with notes of leather, wood, and chilli for a stimulating palate sensation.

Retail Price: $181.82
Save: $49.55
Availability: In Stock
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