The recently released Curivari Sun Grown is a standout addition to the Curivari lineup. This Nicaraguan puro is skillfully crafted by owner Andreas Throuvalas, who expertly balances body and flavor in all of his blends. The result is a well-rounded and flavorful cigar. Starting off at a medium body, the Curivari Sun Grown gradually builds to a medium-plus strength that is both rich and smooth. Its harmonious blend of black pepper, leather, hay, and cocoa creates a delightful smoking experience. These hidden gems should not be overlooked; their exceptional quality and affordable price make them a must-try for any cigar aficionado. Don't just take my word for it - see why Curivari fans have been raving about these cigars for years!
The new standout release from Curivari, the Curivari Sun Grown,
is a well-crafted Nicaraguan puro by owner Andreas Throuvalas.
With a perfectly balanced blend of body and flavor, each line
offers a flavorful and enjoyable smoking experience. Beginning as
a medium-bodied cigar, it gradually builds to a medium-plus
without being overpowering or harsh. The carefully selected
flavors of black pepper, leather, hay, and cocoa come together
harmoniously in both strength and taste. These hidden gems are a
must-try for all cigar enthusiasts. At unbeatable prices, it's
rare to find such high-quality boutique cigars like these. Give
them a try today and discover why Curivari fans have been raving
about them for years.
Curivari cigars encompass the Cuban cigar-making practice, with
founder and blender Andreas Throuvalas placing emphasis on
Nicaraguan-grown Cuban-seed tobaccos and hand-rolled
construction. This approach is evident in Curivari's Sun Grown
blend, utilizing a Nicaraguan Habano Maduro wrapper, binder, and
fillers to achieve a medium- to full-bodied smoke. The flavors of
pepper, leather, hay, and chocolate are perfectly balanced with a
slightly sweeter profile compared to the regular Sun Grown
The Curivari Sun Grown Maduro, a recent standout release from the
brand, is a Nicaraguan puro expertly crafted by owner Andreas
Throuvalas. Known for his skill in blending cigars with just the
right balance of body and flavor, Throuvalas has once again
delivered a well-balanced and flavorful cigar with this line.
Starting off in the medium-bodied range, it gradually builds to a
satisfying medium-plus without overpowering or leaving a bitter
aftertaste. The flavors blend harmoniously, offering notes of
black pepper, leather, hay, and cocoa. The wrapper of this
particular Sun Grown Maduro is slightly darker than its regular
counterpart due to longer fermentation, resulting in a touch more
body and a hint of sweetness. Considered hidden gems by many,
these boutique cigars are certainly worth trying at such
affordable prices. Don't hesitate to give them a try today and
discover why Curivari fans have been raving about them for years.
The recently released Curivari Sun Grown Maduro is a standout
addition to the brand's lineup. This Nicaraguan puro is expertly
crafted by owner Andreas Throuvalas, who has a knack for
achieving the perfect balance of body and flavor in each of his
cigars. Starting off as a medium-bodied smoke, the Curivari Sun
Grown Maduro gradually ramps up to a flavorful medium-plus
without any harshness or overpowering notes. The blend of
flavors, including black pepper, leather, hay, and cocoa, meld
together seamlessly in both body and taste. You'll notice that
the wrapper on this cigar is slightly darker than the regular Sun
Growns - this is due to its longer fermentation process which
adds more body and a subtle hint of sweetness. These hidden gems
are definitely worth trying - it's not often you find such
high-quality boutique cigars at such affordable prices. Join the
ranks of satisfied Curivari fans today and give these cigars a
The new Curivari Sun Grown Maduro is a standout release from the
brand. Blended by owner Andreas Throuvalas, this Nicaraguan puro
strikes the perfect balance of body and flavor in each of its
lines. Starting as a medium-bodied smoke, it gradually increases
to a flavorful medium-plus without any harshness or overpowering
notes. The blend of black pepper, leather, hay, and cocoa creates
a well-rounded experience for both the body and flavor. With a
slightly darker wrapper due to longer fermentation, there is also
a hint of sweetness present. These boutique cigars are truly
hidden gems that everyone should try. At these prices, they are
hard to beat in terms of quality. Don't wait any longer - give
them a shot today and discover what Curivari fans have known for
Retail Price:$113.64
Availability:In Stock
Curivari Sun Grown Maduro 660 5 pack
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of 5
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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