Curivari hasn't been around for long, but they've quietly amassed a portfolio stocked with top quality, affordable, boutique cigars using aged Nicaraguan tobaccos. The Curivari cigar brand produces outstanding smokes reminiscent of Cuban brands of yesteryears. From packaging to blending style, crafted using the finest modern-day tobaccos expertly blended by Andreas Throuvalas, owner of Curivari. If you haven’t tried any of the Curivari brands you are really missing out. The Curivari Achilles Heroicos cigar line was released at the 2018 IPCPR trade show, a Nicaraguan puro that packs on the flavor. The Curivari Achilles Heroicos delivers a medium to full bodied smoke that’s both balanced and smooth. This cigar is packed with rich notes of cedar, spice, and pepper upfront, rounded out by a long, sweet finish. Grab a box of Curivari’s today, we are sure these will be a cigar in your everyday lineup.
Curivari has quickly become a leader in the industry, producing
high-quality, affordable boutique cigars with aged Nicaraguan
tobaccos. Their smokes evoke the classic Cuban brands of old and
utilize modern tobaccos expertly blended by Andreas Throuvalas,
Curivari's owner. The Achilles Heroicos cigar line was released
at the 2018 IPCPR trade show to much acclaim, and if you haven't
tried any of these premium cigars yet you really should!
Unfortunately, they cannot be shipped into New York.
Since their debut, Curivari has amassed an abundance of quality,
affordable boutique cigars that were crafted with carefully aged
Nicaraguan tobaccos. At the 2013 IPCPR Trade Show, their Achilles
was revealed to be a blend of higher strength and boldness
compared to other products in their range. The wrapper is
Nicaraguan with a distinctive milk chocolate hue. When you smoke
these gems, you'll experience full-bodied sweetness along with
notes of pepper, cedar and caramel on the long finish. These
cigars offer great value for money, so why not join the Curivari
fans who have enjoyed them for years?
Although a newcomer, Curivari has quickly built an impressive
collection of affordable, premium cigars featuring aged
Nicaraguan tobaccos. One of their initial offerings in 2013 was
the stronger and fuller-bodied Curivari Achilles. Now, in 2015,
they have expanded the Achilles line with the release of the
Curivari Achilles Invensibles. This new addition boasts the same
exceptional blend as its predecessor, but with a lighter
Nicaraguan Colorado Habano wrapper. The result is a medium to
full-bodied smoke with a rich and lingering finish, showcasing
notes of pepper, cedar, and caramel. It's rare to find such
high-quality boutique cigars at such reasonable prices, so don't
hesitate to give them a try today and discover why Curivari has
gained a loyal following over the years.
Since its humble beginnings, Curivari has boasted a reliable
selection of high-end, budget-friendly cigars made with aged
Nicaraguan tobaccos. This year, they've added the Curivari
Achilles Mirmidones to the lineup. Packed with a Nicaraguan
binder and fillers and a Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper, this
blend offers up medium to full-bodied flavor with sweet notes of
pepper, cedar and caramel that linger on the tongue.
Curivari's Buenaventura literally translates to "good fortune" in
Spanish, and encapsulates traditional Cuban pre-embargo
sensibilities in its clean-lined bands, simple font, and elegant
color palette. Nicaraguan tobaccos are used - Criollo and Corojo
of Cuban seed - rolled only in the traditional Cuban method, with
a tripe cap completing the construction. The smoke is full of
flavor - chocolate, spice, leather, cedor and sweetness - while
the Picadores boasts a blend of long- and mixed-fillers for a
less expensive alternative.
Retail Price:$102.28
Availability:In Stock
Curivari Buenaventura Picadores Fumas 44 5 pack
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Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.