The hand-rolled Cojimar cigars, made in the Dominican Republic, are high quality cigars loaded with tons of flavor. The Cojimar cigar is packed with a long filler of 100% Piloto Cubano Dominican leaves. It is wrapped in an Indonesian wrapper, capped with a sweet tip and gives off a pleasantly sweet and mild aroma. Cojimar cigars come in a wide variety of flavors and sizes.
Cojimar, the highly coveted flavored cigar brand, has been
producing exquisite smokes since 1996. Among their top-notch
creations are the Cafe Cigarillos, expertly hand-rolled in the
Dominican Republic. Infused with a delectable blend of creamy
coffee flavor and a classic Cuban sugar-tip, these petite
beauties are truly irresistible. Whether enjoyed on their own or
accompanied by a strong cup of joe (if that's your preference),
we offer them at unbeatable prices - go ahead and indulge!
Known as one of the best flavored cigars in the industry, Cojimar
cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with premium
long-filler tobaccos. Cojimar cigars are characterized by their
sugar-tipped heads and come in a variety of flavors like apple,
cherry, chocolate mint, rum, vanilla, and more.
Experience the deliciousness of Cojimar's latest flavor
sensation, Lola! Indulge in its one-of-a-kind infusion that will
ignite your taste buds. Don't miss out on this incredible value,
available right here.
Following the successful launch of Cojimar Private Collection, it
was only natural for a maduro version to join the ranks of this
popular boutique cigar. Developed by Kaizad Hansotia (the
visionary behind the renowned Gurkha brand), Cojimar Private
Collection Maduro is now available and living up to its
reputation of delivering premium quality. This Dominican puro
hails from the Dominican Republic and offers a medium to
full-bodied smoking experience with its Connecticut wrapper.
Prepare your palate for rich flavors of earth, leather,
chocolate, and a touch of spice. For a luxurious taste
experience, add Cojimar Private Collection Maduro to your
collection today.
The Mango Papaya line of cigars from Cojimar is sweet, aromatic,
and delivers a unique flavor experience thanks to long-filler
tobacco from the Dominican Republic.
A highly desirable brand of flavored cigars, Cojimar has been
producing top-quality options since 1996. One of their most
impressive offerings is the Cafe Cigarillos, crafted by expert
rollers in the Dominican Republic. The Cojimar Red Moon Raspberry
Cigarillos boast a delightful raspberry flavor enhanced by a
classic Cuban sugar tip. These vibrant mini cigars are enjoyable
alone, but even more so when enjoyed alongside a strong coffee
(if that's your preference.) No matter how you choose to enjoy
them, we have them in stock at unbeatable prices - feel free to
Blue Moon Vanilla Senor cigars feature a dark San Andres Maduro
wrapper that creates a sweet vanilla flavor. It pairs well with
coffee, cocktails, or just a sweet craving.
Cojimar Senoras Cherry - Box of 25 Cigars are packed with flavor
from the Cojimar Cigar Company! Hand-rolled with long filler
binder, filler and wrapper tobacco, these cigars boast an
impressive expertise that can only come from years in the cigar
industry. The careful infusion of just the right amount of taste in
their tobacco gives these cigars a distinguished specialty smoke
that's been beloved for almost as long as flavored cigars have been
Cojimar Senoras Chocolate Cigars come in a box of 25 and boast an
incredible infused blend of premium long filler binder, filler and
wrapper tobacco. As one of the leading cigar companies with decades
of experience in crafting flavored cigars, it's no surprise these
sticks deliver such amazing flavor. With careful finesse, Cojimar
has perfected the art of adding the right amount of sweetness to
their unique tobacco blend.
Cojimar Senoras Cigars, with their box of 25, are known for their
intensely flavorful smoke that Cojimar has perfected. Expertly
crafted using premium long filler binder, filler and wrapper
tobaccos, their cigars offer a delicately flavored experience that
is sure to satisfy. Few have more expertise in the cigar industry
than Cojimar and they have put that knowledge to good use when it
comes to enhancing the taste of their signature tobacco with the
perfect amount of flavor.
Cojimar Senoras Cognac - Box of 25 Cigars are expertly crafted with
long-filler, binder and wrapper tobacco. The Cojimar Cigar Company
has been producing flavored cigars for many years and is unmatched
in their knowledge of specialty smokes. Their experience makes them
experts at infusing the perfect amount of flavor into each cigar.
These premium cigars are sure to delight any smoker lucky enough to
experience them!
I seek out Cojimar Senora Red Moon Raspberry cigars for a sweet
experience to accompany a rich dessert. The slender 5.5x42 size and
precision construction guarantee an even burn and open draw. The
Dominican Republic-sourced filler and binder tobaccos are cloaked
in a top-notch Indonesian wrapper leaf and made special with
raspberry infusion and flavors. Mellow notes of nuts, earth, cream,
and a subtle kick of raspberry combine in perfect balance.
Cojimar Senoras Rum Box of 25 Cigars offers an unrivaled flavor
experience that only Cojimar can offer. Thanks to their extensive
background in cigar-making, Cojimar cigars have perfected the
balance of maintaining a high-quality tobacco with just enough
taste added to enhance the overall smoke. These cigars are hand
rolled with premium long filler binder and wrapper tobaccos,
guaranteeing satisfaction every time!
White Orchid cigars, made by Cojimar Cigar Company, are the perfect
blend of premium filler, binder and wrapper tobacco. With years of
experience in the cigar industry, Cojimar has perfected the balance
between taste and high-quality tobacco. These hand-rolled cigars
are a testament to the expertise of the company that has been
making flavored cigars for decades. Every cigar contains an
abundance of flavor, crafted with great precision. A box of 25
White Orchid cigars is sure to provide you with a luxurious smoking
It's a perfect blend of hand-rolled tobacco and natural flavors
that tantalizes the senses. Cojimar cigars offer a smooth,
satisfying smoke that tantalizes the senses. There is a Cojimar
cigar for every palate, whether it's vanilla, chocolate, or
It's a perfect blend of hand-rolled tobacco and natural flavors
that tantalizes the senses. Cojimar cigars offer a smooth,
satisfying smoke that tantalizes the senses. There is a Cojimar
cigar for every palate, whether it's vanilla, chocolate, or
Whenever the mood strikes, Cojimar cigarillos make a great quick
smoke. These flavored small cigars go great after a meal or when
paired with a tasty adult beverage.
Retail Price:$115.90
Availability:In Stock
Cojimar Senoritas Red Moon Raspberry Cigars 5 pack
The Cojimar Senoritas Vanilla cigar is now called White Orchid. -
the history of flavored cigars. . . Vanilla! Cojimar has perfected
the art of flavoring cigars, and they will prove it with their
Vanilla cigar! does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.