Charter Oak cigars are an affordably-priced premium cigar edition from Nicholas Melillo that reaffirms his passion for U.S. Connecticut cigar tobacco in both shade-grown and broadleaf maduro selections.
Foundation Charter Oak Especiales Pasquale, part of the highly
sought-after Charter Oak brand, holds a special significance for
owner Nick Melillo. Its name pays tribute to his grandfather, a
devotee of Connecticut broadleaf-wrapped cigars. Handcrafted at
the renowned Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez factory in Nicaragua,
these 5.5 x 48 parejo’s combine aged Nicaraguan long fillers and
a flavorful Nicaraguan Jalapa binder with a dark, oily, and chewy
Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. This medium-to-full bodied
cigar pleases the senses with its enticing aroma and complex
taste profile of bittersweet chocolate, black pepper, earth, and
espresso. The finish is creamy smooth and satisfying. More than
just a delicious premium cigar, Foundation Charter Oak Especiales
Pasquale is a heartfelt ode to Melillo's home state and the
wisdom imparted by his grandfathers. Don't hesitate to order a
box of 12 today; just make sure you save some room in your
humidor for more of these gems.
Retail Price:$177.28
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Charter Oak Especiales Pasquale Maduro Corona Gorda 5 pack
The newest addition to the highly rated Charter Oak line, the
Foundation Charter Oak Especiales Pegnataro cigars pay homage to
the Connecticut-wrapped smokes that were beloved by brand owner
Nick Melillo's grandfather. Individually handcrafted at the
renowned Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua, these 5.5 x 48
parejos are made with aged Nicaraguan long fillers, a Jalapa
binder, and a lustrous Connecticut Shade wrapper. This
medium-bodied cigar boasts layers of complexity with refined
hints of leather, cinnamon, graham cracker, spice, and a subtle
sweetness that remains perfectly balanced until the very end.
Treat yourself to a box from JR Cigar today and experience the
indulgence that reflects Melillo's deep appreciation for his home
state of Connecticut and its prized tobacco.
Retail Price:$177.28
Availability:In Stock
Charter Oak Especiales Pegnataro Shade Corona Gorda 5 pack
Nick Melillo pays homage to his roots with Charter Oak. The Charter
Oak Habano Grande (6" x 60) is a departure from the Connecticut and
Maduro blends, which used Connecticut-grown wrappers but were
unable to keep up with demand. This cigar features an Ecuadorian
Habano wrapper atop a Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan filler blend
for a medium-bodied profile rich in cedar, spice, and cloves. Don't
miss out! Get yourself a box at this price today!
In both broadleaf maduro and shade-grown varieties, Nicholas
Melillo's Charter Oak cigars are an affordably priced premium cigar
edition that reaffirms his passion for U.S. Connecticut cigar
Oak Habano Rothchild (4.5" x 50) is a break from the usual
Connecticut and Maduro offerings which are wrapped with tobacco
grown in Connecticut, but would have been difficult to keep up with
production. This cigar boasts an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper
embracing a Nicaraguan binder and a blend of Nicaraguan fillers,
creating a medium-bodied flavor profile that is full of cedar,
spice, and cloves. Pick up a box at an incredible price today!
In both shade-grown and broadleaf maduro selections, Charter Oak
cigars are an affordable premium cigar edition from Nicholas
Melillo that reaffirms his love of U.S. Connecticut cigar tobacco.
Designed for the thrifty aficionado, Foundation Cigar’s Charter
Oak cigars provide you with a tranquil and mellow smoking
experience that is both flavourful and affordable to relish each
day. These cigars are constructed using Cuban seed leaf varieties
from Esteli and Jalapa in Nicaragua, coupled with silky-smooth
Connecticut Shade or indulgent Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers.
Charter Oak presents a genuine taste of the Connecticut River
Valley without burning a hole in your pocket. So why wait any
Nick Melillo pays homage to his roots with Charter Oak. The
Habano Toro (6" x 52) features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that
is paired with a Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan fillers. This
medium-bodied cigar offers a profile rich in cedar, spice, and
cloves. Don't miss out on this great deal - grab yourself a box
In both shade-grown and broadleaf maduro selections, Charter Oak
cigars are an affordably-priced premium cigar edition from Nicholas
Retail Price:$158.40
Availability:In Stock
Charter Oak Toro Maduro 5 pack
Showing 1 to 11
of 11
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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