Aged and blended with Honduras and Dominican long filler tobaccos, Casa de Garcia, created by Altadis, is among the most economical cigars around. These legendary cigars are rolled by the same rollers and tables as top of the line cigars. The fillers are a Dominican and Honduran blended tobacco, bound with a Connecticut binder and wrapped in a brown Connecticut shade wrapper. They are flavorful with a mellow and smooth draw.
The Casa de Garcia Centenario Gold Label Belicoso Cigars combine
luxury flavor with an affordable price. The renowned Plasencia
family has a rich background of cultivating, maturing, and
blending high-quality tobacco to create highly praised cigars
loved by aficionados worldwide. These cigars feature a core of
premium Nicaraguan filler and binder, wrapped in a sleek
Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. Upon ignition, one can
enjoy the mild and soothing flavors of earth and assorted nuts.
Measuring six and a quarter inches long with a fifty-two ring
gauge, each Belicoso guarantees an hour of sheer smoking
Crafted to perfection, the Casa de Garcia Centenario Gold Label
Robusto Cigars offer a satisfying tobacco experience. Unlike
other brands that view cigar bundles as low-quality deals, Casa
de Garcia upholds their commitment to excellence. The expertly
rolled cigars feature a golden crop of Nicaraguan tobacco for the
binder and filler, enclosed in an Ecuadorian Connecticut shade
wrapper. Each stick exudes a smooth blend of earth, cream, and
mixed nuts. At five inches long with a fifty ring gauge, this
Robusto guarantees an impeccable thirty-minute smoke.
The Casa de Garcia Centenario Gold Label Cigars are a rare gem,
offering an incredible amount of flavor at an incredibly
affordable price. Unlike other brands that consider the bundle as
an afterthought, Case Garcia puts in their full efforts into each
cigar. Made with a regal blend of Nicaraguan tobacco for both the
filler and binder, these cigars are carefully wrapped in an
Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper. Lighting one up will
delight your taste buds with creamy earth and mixed nuts flavors
in every puff. Measuring at six inches and having a fifty ring
gauge, this Toro provides a remarkable forty-minute smoking
Casa de Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigars - Casa de Garcia
Belicoso Connecticut cigars feature Connecticut Shade grown
wrappers. They have nutty flavors and hints of pepper and spice.
Featuring a Connecticut Shade Grown Wrapper, the Casa de Garcia
Churchill Connecticut is a long, well constructed cigar. It is
flavorful with hints of pepper and spices.
With a blend of premium long filler tobaccos from the Dominican
Republic and Honduras covered in a silky golden brown Connecticut
wrapper, Casa de Garcia Connecticut cigars are available in
affordable bundles. It has creamy flavors of caramel, cocoa,
leather, and sweet tobacco, and is very easygoing and relaxing to
This cigar is a Casa de Garcia Robusto Connecticut cigar. Casa De
Garcia Bundles are a brand new bundle by Altadis. These cigars are
Dominican and come from Tabacalera de Garcia. Hand rolled and
affordable, Casa De Garcia Bundles come in three different
wrappers, including Connecticut shade wrapper, Sumatra wrapper and
Maduro wrapper.
Altadis U.S.A. Inc. brings you the Casa de Garcia Toro Connecticut
cigar. Available in bundles, Casa de Garcia cigars provide a top
quality smoke at a discount price.
It is a decently constructed cigar with an oily Connecticut
Broadleaf wrapper. Nutty Sweet Flavors with hints of pepper and
spice. Casa de Garcia Belicoso Maduro Cigars.
This is a long, dark, well constructed cigar that has a sweet,
nutty, peppery flavor with hints of spice and pepper. Casa de
Garcia Churchill Maduro cigars are made from oily, dark Connecticut
Broadleaf wrappers.
Casa De Garcia Nicaragua Churchill provides a fuller-bodied
experience than its predecessor. This premium cigar features a dark
brown Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and Connecticut
Broadleaf filler. You can choose from Corona, Robusto, Toro and
Churchill sizes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your
humidor. With a reputation for being crafted with precision, Casa
de Garcia Nicaragua offers an excellent affordable option for cigar
aficionados of all kinds.
Casa De Garcia Nicaragua Robusto is a precision-crafted cigar,
boasting a glorious Nicaraguan wrapper and binder, with a
Connecticut Broadleaf filler. Perfect for adding an extra robust
taste to your humidor collection, this premium cigar comes in
Corona, Robusto, Toro and Churchill sizes - for an unbeatable
price. Don't look any further if you're seeking an outstanding yet
affordable fuller-bodied smoke!
Casa de Garcia Nicaragua Toro is the perfect choice for those
looking to add a more robust cigar to their humidor. Handcrafted
with precision, this premium cigar is wrapped in a rich dark brown
Nicaraguan wrapper and filled with Nicaraguan binder and
Connecticut Broadleaf filler. Available in Corona, Robusto, Toro,
and Churchill sizes, it is an affordable yet excellent option for
your cigars collection.
Retail Price:$70.58
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Casa de Garcia Nicaragua Toro 5 pack
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Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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