C.L.E. Cigar Company is thrilled to announce the launch of their newest cigar, Asylum 867 (formerly known as Deadwood Tobacco Co. Chasing the Dragon). This unique blend was created in collaboration with Wild Bill Rectenwald and his team at DEADWOOD TOBACCO CO. AND CIGAR BAR in Deadwood, South Dakota. Christian Eiroa, Founder and President of C.L.E. Cigar Company, entrusted Wild Bill and his team, known for their innovative blends and unparalleled cigar bar experience, with the task of creating a one-of-a-kind Asylum cigar.
The Asylum 867 Auntie is a unique cigar, infused with flavorful
aromas through the steeping method. It marks the first time that
Asylum has introduced these "aromatic flavors via exotic
tobaccos." This Honduran puro showcases a rich maduro wrapper,
inviting in appearance. After being rolled, each cigar is
carefully infused with its distinct flavor, either by submersion
in a flavored liquid or through methods similar to aroma therapy
where they are exposed to enclosed environments. These handmade
cigars are created at the CLE Cigar Company factory in Honduras.
Previously known as Deadwood Tobacco Co.'s Chasing the Dragon
Auntie, this cigar maintains its original blend and delivers the
same delectable flavor profile.
The Asylum 867 Auntie cigar is a unique blend that utilizes the
steeping method to infuse its flavors. This marks the first time
Asylum has released what they refer to as "aromatic flavors via
exotic tobaccos." This Honduran puro boasts a rich maduro wrapper
that adds to its inviting appearance. After rolling, the cigars
are infused with flavors through techniques such as submersion in
a flavored liquid or exposure to aroma therapy. Handmade at the
CLE Cigar Company factory in Honduras, this cigar was previously
known as Deadwood Tobacco Co.'s Chasing the Dragon Auntie, but
maintains its delicious flavor profile under its new name.
The Asylum 867 Auntie is a flavor-infused cigar that uses the
steeping method to add its unique flavors to the cigar. It is the
first time Asylum has released what they call, “aromatic flavors
via exotic tobaccos.” The cigar is a Honduran puro that sports an
inviting maduro wrapper. Once the cigars are rolled, they are
infused with flavors by submersing them in a flavored liquid or
by using methods similar to aroma therapy, where the cigars are
placed in a closed environment and allowed to absorb the flavors.
The cigars are handmade in Honduras at the CLE Cigar Company
factory. The Asylum 867 Auntie was formerly known as the Deadwood
Tobacco Co. Chasing the Dragon Auntie. However, it uses the same
blend and delivers the same delicious flavor profile as its
previous alias.
The Asylum 867 Midnight Oil is a unique cigar that stands out
with its flavor infusion method. It marks the first time Asylum
has released "aromatic flavors via exotic tobaccos." This
Honduran puro boasts an alluring maduro wrapper. Once the cigars
are rolled, they undergo flavor infusion through submersion in a
flavored liquid or by being placed in a closed environment, like
aroma therapy. Handmade at the CLE Cigar Company factory in
Honduras, the Asylum 867 Midnight Oil was previously known as the
Deadwood Tobacco Co.'s Chasing the Dragon Midnight Oil. Despite
its name change, it maintains the same blend and delivers an
equally delicious flavor profile.
Asylum 867 Midnight Oil, a flavor-infused cigar using the
steeping method, is Asylum's first release of "aromatic flavors
via exotic tobaccos." The Honduran puro boasts a tantalizing
maduro wrapper and undergoes an infusion process in which the
cigars are either submerged in a flavored liquid or exposed to
aroma therapy techniques. Handmade at the CLE Cigar Company
factory in Honduras, this cigar was formerly known as Deadwood
Tobacco Co.'s Chasing the Dragon Midnight Oil. Despite its new
name, it maintains its original blend and delicious flavor
The Asylum 867 Midnight Oil is a Honduran puro with an inviting
maduro wrapper. This cigar uses the steeping method to infuse
unique flavors, making it the first of its kind from Asylum.
Through aroma therapy or submersion in flavored liquid, the
cigars absorb their distinct flavor. Handmade in Honduras at CLE
Cigar Company factory, this cigar was formerly known as Deadwood
Tobacco Co.'s Chasing the Dragon Midnight Oil. Despite its new
name, it still offers the same delectable blend and flavor
Trust Asylum to continue their innovative approach to cigar
making, as seen in the creation of their latest release, the
Asylum 867. This collaboration with C.L.E. Cigar Company and Wild
Bill Rectenwald of Deadwood Tobacco Co. and Cigar Bar in South
Dakota offers three distinct blends: Auntie, Midnight Oil, and
Zero. Co-founder Tom Lazuka's admiration for Wild Bill's
creativity prompted him to task the team with developing an
unparalleled Asylum blend. The result is a sensory journey
achieved by using only the finest exotic tobaccos. In simpler
terms, each Asylum 867 cigar provides a unique smoke unlike any
other. Auntie features slender shapes, while Zero boasts
traditionally larger sizes and Midnight Oil caters to those who
prefer sizable cigars. With each blend available in three formats
and packaged in boxes of 20, you can select the ideal Asylum 867
cigar for your palate and add it to your cart today.
Trust Asylum to push the boundaries of cigar making, as they have
done with their latest release, the Asylum 867. This
collaboration between Asylum and the C.L.E. Cigar Company, along
with Wild Bill Rectenwald of Deadwood Tobacco Co. and Cigar Bar,
offers three distinct blends: Auntie, Midnight Oil, and Zero.
It's no surprise that Tom Lazuka, co-founder of Asylum, was drawn
to Wild Bill's innovative approach to blending. They were tasked
with creating an unforgettable cigar that stands out from other
Asylum offerings. The result? A truly aromatic smoking experience
crafted from the most exquisite tobaccos available. In other
words, every puff of an Asylum 867 is a one-of-a-kind adventure.
The different blends come in slim sizes (Auntie), traditional
sizes (Zero), and large sizes (Midnight Oil) and are presented in
boxes of 20 cigars each. For a full-flavored cigar with that
signature Asylum touch, grab your preferred blend of Asylum 867
and add it to your cart now.
Retail Price:$252.00
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Asylum 867 Zero Toro 5 pack
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