In 1998, Eduardo Fernandez went to Nicaragua with a dream: to grow the finest tobacco in the world that captured the very essence of the Cuban cigars of old. To do this, he traveled to Cuba and assembled a world class team of Cuban agronomists who worked at the highest levels of Cubatobaco, in many cases for over half a century, and brought them to Nicaragua. These men oversaw the production of tobacco during the heyday of Cuban cigars, knew exactly the taste they were famous for, and recognized they could recreate the style and aroma of Cuban leaf using traditional Cuban methods in conjunction with the resources available to them in Nicaragua. The tobacco they cultivated is named Aganorsa Leaf.
Over the last few years, Connecticut cigars have changed
significantly. They were once known for being mellow and lacking a
punch, but now offer an intense flavor while still maintaining
their smooth and creamy body. The Aganorsa Leaf Connecticut is a
great example of this new trend: a flavorful and unique smoke that
can be enjoyed right after waking up. It all began in 1998 when
Eduardo Fernandez went to Nicaragua with the goal of cultivating
the best tobacco available – a dream that he has been able to
achieve with this blend.
In 1998, Eduardo Fernandez travelled to Nicaragua with a dream of
cultivating the world’s finest luxury tobaccos. This became
Aganorsa Leaf, a brand created by master blender Arsenio Ramos.
This Ecuador Connecticut wrapper cigar is bolstered by Aganorsa
Leaf award-winning tobaccos for binder and filler resulting in an
enjoyable mellow to medium-bodied flavor. Five sizes are available
so you can find the one that pleases you - buy a box of Aganorsa
Leaf and feel content.
With its medium body and full flavor, Casa Fernandez Aganorsa Leaf
highlights all of the taste and flavor characteristics of Aganorsa
tobacco. A true Aficionado will love this cigar. It is made in our
Boutique Factory in Miami and comes in both a corojo and a maduro
wrapper. It is a perfect combination with a cup of black coffee or
a Scotch from Speyside or the Highlands after a meal.
Casa Fernandez Cigars are a huge hit! Known for supplying
Nicaraguan tobaccos to numerous cigar manufacturers, Casa Fernandez
decided to dip into their own stash to create flavorful and complex
cigars. Since then, they have been producing hit after hit. Until
Casa Fernandez was recognized as one of Cigar Aficionado's Top 25
Cigars of 2009, many of their releases flew under the radar.
Aganorsa Leaf Habano was first released back in 2016 - and though
its appearance has slightly changed, the high-quality Nicaraguan
tobaccos that made it so beloved by cigar makers remain the same.
Its unique blend of Corojo '99, Criollo '98 long fillers, a
Nicaragua binder, and a Habano wrapper come together to deliver a
full-bodied experience with notes of nuts, spices, and creamy
sweetness on the finish. Don't miss out - add a box to your cart
Casa Fernandez Aganorsa Leaf is medium bodied and full flavored,
highlighting the wide range of flavor profiles that Aganorsa
tobacco can produce. This is not a cigar for beginners, but has
just enough strength and flavor to satisfy any serious cigar
enthusiast. Available in both corojo and maduro wrappers, it is
made in our Miami Boutique Factory. Pair it with a cup of black
coffee in the morning or a whisky from Speyside or Highlands at the
end of the day.
Aganorsa Leaf is the only company with a proprietary wrapper leaf,
the Nicaraguan Shade Grown Corojo Maduro. After 20 years in
development, this varietal features extended fermentation periods
and offers a rich sweet Corojo flavor. Beneath it lies their
Nicaraguan blend of Aganorsa tobacco which adds notes of dark wood,
cocoa and dried fruit. Proving itself as the boutique smoker's
cigar, Signature Maduro stands out from the rest.
Aganorsa Leaf can proudly boast of offering the only wrapper leaf
that has been developed over the course of two decades: Nicaraguan
Shade Grown Corojo Maduro. This varietal is featured on Aganorsa
Leaf Signature Maduro and offers a deep sweetness derived from
extended fermentation periods. Combined with Nicaraguan tobaccos
blended by Aganorsa, hints of dark wood, cocoa, and dried fruit
manifest in each smoke. Already acclaimed as the ultimate cigar for
boutique smokers, Signature Maduro looks set to cement Aganorsa
Leaf's reputation even further.
Aganorsa Leaf stands out as the only manufacturer with a
one-of-a-kind wrapper leaf. After two decades of development,
they've recently unveiled their Nicaraguan Shade Grown Corojo
Maduro. Blended with extended fermentation periods, its flavor
profile offers rich Corojo sweetness and complex undertones of dark
wood, cocoa, and dried fruit when paired with Aganorsa's signature
Nicaraguan core. Without a doubt, Aganorsa Leaf Signature Maduro
has established itself as the top-choice cigar among discerning
Featuring notes of pepper, earth, and dark coffee, Aganorsa Leaf
Signature Maduro Corona Gorda (6.0"x44) is a fine medium to
full-bodied handmade. In addition to its gorgeous dark Maduro
wrapper, this cigar features long-fillers grown in the lush
Aganorsa tobacco fields in Nicaragua.
Aganorsa Leaf Signature Maduro Robusto (5.0"x52) is a
medium-bodied, full-bodied handmade with notes of pepper, earth,
and dark coffee crafted in Nicaragua. The beautiful Maduro wrapper
of this cigar is complemented by long-fillers harvested from
Nicaragua's lush Aganorsa tobacco fields.
Featuring notes of pepper, earth, and dark coffee, the Aganorsa
Leaf Signature Maduro Toro (6.0"x52) is a fine medium-bodied
handmade made in Nicaragua. A gorgeous dark and oily Maduro wrapper
is complemented by long-fillers sourced from Nicaragua's lush
Aganorsa tobacco fields.
Retail Price:$271.08
Availability:In Stock
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of 12
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If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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