Saint Luis Rey cigars achieve their renowned full-flavor and aroma using a complex medium-to-full-bodied blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Peruvian long-filler tobaccos in your choice of lush, natural Nicaraguan, or Mexican San Andres Morron maduro wrappers. (Some maduros are BOX-PRESSED) Presented in handsome, black lacquered boxes, this highly-rated selection offers you a smooth, well-balanced, and robust smoke. For the price, quality and flavor they offer, these cigars are a great value.
Saint Luis Rey Reserva Especial Churchill 5 Pack
Package of 5
x 52
An all-new blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobaccos
enveloped in a gorgeous, dark Nicaraguan wrapper, Saint Luis Rey
Churchill cigars are expertly crafted.
It is renowned for its full-flavor and aroma because Saint Luis Rey
cigars are crafted with Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian
long-filler tobaccos and wrapped in a lush, natural Nicaraguan, or
Mexican San Andres Morron maduro wrapper. This highly rated maduros
are presented in handsome, lacquered boxes and offer a smooth,
well-balanced, and robust smoke. They are a great value for the
price, quality, and flavor they offer.
A complex blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian long-filler
tobaccos in a lush, natural Nicaraguan, or Mexican San Andres
Morron maduro wrapper produces Saint Luis Rey cigars' renowned full
flavors and aroma. These highly-rated maduros are presented in
handsome, black lacquered boxes and offer a smooth, well-balanced,
and robust smoke for a great price, quality, and flavor.
With a complex blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian
long-filler tobaccos in either a lush, natural Nicaraguan wrapper
or a Mexican San Andres Morron maduro wrapper, Saint Luis Rey
cigars achieve their renowned full-flavor and aroma. The cigars in
this selection are a great value for the price, quality, and flavor
they offer. (Some maduros are BOX-PRESSED) These cigars offer a
smooth, well-balanced smoke.
In addition to their legendary full-flavor and aroma, Saint Luis
Rey cigars are wrapped in lush, natural Nicaraguan, or Mexican San
Andres Morron maduro wrappers that are crafted with Honduran,
Nicaraguan, and Peruvian long-filler tobaccos. The cigars are
presented in handsome, black lacquered boxes, which feature smooth,
well-balanced, and robust smokes. They are a great value for the
price, quality, and flavor they offer.
The Saint Luis Rey Carenas Magnum cigar is an embodiment of the
centuries-long history of tobacco, starting in Puerto Carenas in
the 1500s. This luxurious smoke is packed with earthy spices and
hints of salt, six inches long with a sixty-ring gauge. It will
exceed all expectations, evoking the essence of the long and
illustrious past of cigars.
This medium-bodied, Honduran-made release brings the past into the
present with Saint Luis Rey Carenas Robusto. The port of Havana,
Cuba, where old world ships would dock for repairs and to load up
cargo to bring back to the old world from the new, inspired the
name of this medium-bodied, Honduran-made release. As a symbol of
the combining of the old and new worlds, Saint Luis Rey Carenas was
born at Puerto Carenas.
Saint Luis Rey Carenas Toro cigars are my new top pick for an
afternoon of Cuban-style flavor. These premium gems, bearing the
former name of the famous Port of Havana, feature a Nicaraguan
wrapper leaf enclosing a carefully aged core of Honduran long
filler and binder tobaccos. Rolled at the Flor de Copan cigar
factory in Honduras with excellent construction in a popular 6x52
size, these cigars give me a savory medium-bodied smoke filled with
hints of spice, pepper, earthiness, and leather with each puff. A
must-have for my humidor, if you're into bold flavor then these are
sure to please! does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.