Rocky Patel Sun Grown cigars are perfectly blended with 7-year-aged Brazilian, Dominican & Nicaraguan tobaccos and 5-year-aged Ecuadorian Sun Grown Rosado wrappers. The smoke is robust, balanced, and brimming with the dark, sweet tobacco flavor and spiciness often associated with pre-embargo Cuban cigars. A bold change of pace for the new cigar smoker who wants to step up to a full-flavored cigar, or the veteran who has acquired a palate for a deeper, more complex smoke.
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Robusto 5 pack
Package of 5
x 50
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Robusto - Rocky Patel Sun Grown Robusto
cigars. You'll find big, full-bodied flavor in these Rocky Patel
Sun Grown Factory Selects Robusto cigars. Handcrafted with
long-aged Dominican Nicaraguan fillers, and zesty, long-aged
Ecuadorian sun-grown wrappers, these are top-quality cigars at an
affordable price! Presented in a BOX of 20 cigars.
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Toro cigars. Rocky Patel Sun Grown Toro
cigars provide a velvety, full-bodied smoke crafted with
7-year-aged Dominican Nicaraguan tobaccos and encased in an
Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper that has aged flawlessly for 5 years.
With its breadth, excellent balance, and savory, complex finish,
the smoke doesn't overwhelm.
This cigar is perfectly blended with Brazilian, Dominican, and
Nicaraguan tobaccos aged 7 years and Ecuadorian Rosado wrappers
aged 5 years. Its smoke is robust, balanced, and bursting with dark
tobacco flavors and spiciness often associated with Cuban cigars
made before the embargo. New cigar smokers seeking a full-flavored
cigar, or veterans looking for a more complex smoke, will find this
cigar a bold change of pace.
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Torpedo cigars are an exquisite treat for
aficionados who appreciate bold flavors and a complex blend of
tobaccos. With a long 6 1/4 inch length, a 52 ring gauge and a
handsome packaging, these cigars provide an exceptional smoking
experience. Well-aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos are
combined with an Ecuadorian sun-grown Rosado wrapper, aged for 5
years to contribute to the strong taste and unique flavor. Each
box has 20 units of these medium to full bodied smokes that burn
evenly and give out a smooth smoke. These Honduran beauties have
the perfect balance between hot peppery flavors, making them the
ideal choice for any occasion. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.