Quorum Cigars by J.C Newman are one of the finest bundled cigars in the cigar market today. Grown in the richest soil and most favorable growing conditions in Nicaragua, Quorum Cigars are carefully handmade and aged with the spicy flavor of Nicaraguan filler and savory Nicaraguan binder. Each cigar is wrapped in a special sun-grown Ecuadorian wrapper leaf. The flavor profile is a nutty, smooth, medium-bodied flavor.
Quorum Corona 5 Pack
Package of 5
x 43
Nicaragua's newest handmade cigar sensation features a smooth
medium-bodied taste and is available in four popular shapes and
J. C. Newman Cigar Company manufactures such quality cigars as
Diamond Crown, Cuesta Ray, Diamond Crown Maximus, and La Unica
cigars, as well as Quorum Tres Petite Corona cigars. As soon as we
learned about Quorum cigars, a top quality cigar that was bundled
at a very affordable price from this cigar family, we were
Quorum Torpedo - Quorum Torpedo cigars combine Nicaraguan tobacco
fillers and binders with Ecuadorian-Sumatran wrappers to create a
satisfying smoking experience. Featuring an expertly constructed
draw and an even burn, these medium to full-bodied cigars deliver a
smooth and dependable smoke for a great price.
Quorum Short Robusto - This bundled Short Robusto cigar is an
affordable mixed filler handmade cigar made by JC Newman. It has a
pleasant mild taste and is well worth the price. Bring it with you
to the game and you'll be loved by your friends.
Quorum Shade Grown Corona - Quorum Shade Grown Corona cigars are a
hand made Nicaraguan cigar. They are smooth and flavorful with a
delicious mild body. In addition to Nicaraguan fillers and binders,
the Connecticut shade wrapper adds a little mildness to this cigar
while maintaining the savory and slightly peppery flavor of the
original blend.
Handmade Nicaraguan cigars, Quorum Shade Grown Robustos are smooth
and flavorful with a mild body. Quorum is a handcrafted Nicaraguan
cigar. In addition to Nicaraguan fillers and binders, this cigar
features a Connecticut shade wrapper that adds a touch of mildness
while maintaining the original Quorum blend's savory, slightly
peppery flavor.
This handcrafted Nicaraguan cigar features a smooth and flavorful
smoke with a mild body. Quorum Shade Grown Toro cigars are made
with Nicaraguan tobaccos. This cigar boasts both Nicaraguan fillers
and binders, and a Connecticut shade wrapper that adds a little
mildness while maintaining the savory and slightly peppery flavor
of the original Quorum blend.
The Quorum Shade Grown Churchill cigar is a hand made Nicaraguan
cigar with a smooth, flavorful smoke and a mild body. The cigar
features Nicaraguan fillers and binders along with a Connecticut
shade wrapper that adds a little mildness while maintaining the
original Quorum blend's savory and peppery flavor.
Quorum Shade Grown Torpedo - Quorum Shade Grown Torpedo cigars.
Quorum is a hand made Nicaraguan cigar. They are smooth, flavorful,
and mild. This cigar boasts both Nicaraguan fillers and binders,
and a Connecticut shade wrapper that adds a little mildness while
maintaining the savory and slightly peppery flavor of the original
Quorum blend.
The Quorum Double Gordo - Quorum Classic cigars- ladies and
gentlemen, here is your new everyday smoke. In addition to its
premium filler and binder tobaccos, the Quorum cigar is covered in
a lush Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper that offers extra flavor. There
is no way you can afford to not get a bundle of Quorum at around $2
a stick. Great for doing yard work or just for relaxing during down
time, Quorum is the perfect choice.
Quorum Shade Grown Double Gordo cigars are perfect for the every
day smoker. These high-quality smokes boast premium filler and
binder tobaccos, as well as a smooth shade grown Connecticut
wrapper for a remarkably flavorful and cool finish. With bundles of
Quorum selling for just around $2 per cigar, there's no better way
to reward yourself with a luxurious smoke without breaking the
bank. Whether you're doing yard work or taking some much needed
relaxation time, Quorum is the perfect smoke to keep by your side.
Treat yourself to a bundle today!
Introducing Quorum Shade Grown Short Robusto - the perfect cigar
for both men and women! Crafted with excellent filler and binder
tobaccos, this smoke is wrapped in a smooth Connecticut shade grown
wrapper that yields a delicious flavor and an enjoyable finish. All
at a price you can't beat - around $2 per cigar - you simply cannot
go wrong. Whether it's for labor or leisure, Quorum cigars are the
way to go. Buy your bundle now!
Presented in money-saving bundles by the great J. C. Newman Cigar
Company, Quorum maduro cigars are a fantastic value for cigar
smokers on a budget. These puros are wrapped in dark Nicaraguan
Habano wrappers that conceal a Nicaraguan long-filler and binder
blend brimming with earthy, spicy flavors accentuated by hints of
sweet tobacco. I can't think of a cigar at these prices that is
better made.
It is impossible to find a better-made cigar at these prices than
Quorum maduro cigars, made by the great J. C. Newman Cigar Company
and packaged in money-saving bundles. With dark Nicaraguan Habano
wrappers concealing a well-balanced Nicaraguan longfiller and
binder blend, these puros offer a rich, creamy smoke that's
earthy-spicy with hints of sweet tobacco. At these prices, you
won't be able to find a better-made cigar.
For cigar smokers on a budget, Quorum maduro cigars are a
fantastic, high-quality value, made by the great J. C. Newman Cigar
Company and packaged in money-saving bundles. These puros are
rolled in dark Nicaraguan Habano wrappers concealing a Nicaraguan
long-filler & binder blend infused with earthy, spicy notes and
sweet tobacco notes, resulting in thick, creamy smoke. It's hard to
find a cigar that is as well-made at these prices.
A fantastic, high-quality cigar at a great price, Quorum maduro
cigars are made by the great J. C. Newman Cigar Company in
money-saving bundles, making them a great value for cigar smokers
on a budget. A well-balanced Nicaraguan long-filler and binder
blend is rolled into dark Nicaraguan Habano wrappers that offer
plenty of thick, creamy smoke brimming with earthy-spicy flavors
accompanied by sweet tobaccos. You cannot find a better-made cigar
at these prices, truth be told.
With their money-saving bundles, Quorum maduro cigars are a
fantastic, high-quality value for cigar smokers on a budget. Made
by the great J. C. Newman Cigar Company. The dark Nicaraguan Habano
wrappers conceal a well-balanced Nicaraguan long-filler & binder
blend that gives these puros a rich, creamy smoke brimming with
earthy-spicy flavors that are accentuated by sweet tobacco notes.
At these prices, it is difficult to find a better-made cigar.
The Quorum maduro cigars are made by J.C. Newman Cigar Company and
packaged in money-saving bundles, making them a great choice for
cigar smokers on a budget. These puros are rolled in dark
Ecuadorian Sumatra wrappers that conceal a Nicaraguan long-filler &
binder blend that delivers rich, creamy smoke brimming with
earthy-spicy flavors complemented by a sweet tobacco accent. It's
hard to find a cigar of this quality at this price.
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.