Punch cigars, known as the world’s second oldest cigar brands are "authentic" full-bodied smokes. Each cigar is wrapped in oily Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper and blended with the richest tasting Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. These offer a bold full-flavored taste with a Punch that will knock your socks off.
Punch Magnum Double Maduro 5 pack
Package of 5
x 54
Punch Magnum Double Maduro is the perfect choice for those who seek
an authentic full-bodied Honduran blend. With a variety of sizes
and wrapper leaves, including Ecuadorian Sumatra, U. S. Connecticut
Maduro, and extra-dark Oscuro, you can rest assured that these
cigars are rich in flavor, high in quality, and affordably priced.
(Recommended for experienced smokers who prefer full-bodied taste.)
Introducing Punch After Dinner Double Maduro cigars. The ancient
Punch brand has created a robust all-Honduran leaf cigar to
tantalize your taste buds.
The Punch London Club cigars are smooth with some spice. With
excellent flavor range without being overpowering, Punch cigars are
well constructed and consistently delicious.
The Punch London Club Maduro cigar has Honduran, Dominican, and
Nicaraguan fillers, a Connecticut binder, and a dark wrapper,
making it a world-class cigar.
Introducing Punch Rothschild cigars. This ancient Punch brand
combines all that the San Agustin Valley of Honduras has to offer
into a robust all-Honduran leaf cigar.
Punch Elites Double Maduro - Punch Elites Double Maduro cigars live
up to their name with a bold, full-bodied taste that appeals to men
who follow their instincts instead of following others. An
Ecuadorian leaf serves as the wrapper, while Honduran, Nicaraguan
and Dominican tobaccos make up the filler.
Punch Champion Double Maduro cigars - Punch Champion Double Maduro
cigars live up to its name with a bold, full-bodied taste that
appeals to men who follow their own instincts rather than following
the crowd. Ecuador's wrapper is rich in flavor, while Honduran,
Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos make up the filler.
Whether you are looking for a genuine Honduran cigar in a wide
range of sizes, Punch cigars are right for you. Designed using the
traditional Honduran tobacco curing techniques, Punch cigars are
truly in keeping with their moniker, with a bold taste and first
class Nicaraguan, Honduran and Dominican tobaccos.
Punch Magnum - The Punch Magnum cigars are perfect for anyone who
prefers genuine Honduran cigars in a wide range of sizes. A primary
illustration of a full-bodied, bold cigar, Punch is designed in
accordance with established Honduran tobacco curing techniques.
Nicaraguan tobaccos are used in this cigar.
The Punch Golden Era cigar honors a time known as the "golden
age" of cigars (late 1800s to early 1900s), primarily due to the
prominence of Corojo tobacco. Featuring a Honduran puro blend,
these handmade cigars are created at JRE Tobacco Farm's Fabrica
de Puros Aladino in Honduras, owned and operated by the Eiroa
family, whose experience with this prized tobacco is
well-documented. Its deep brown hue, scarce veins, and delicious
flavor make it alluring; however, its susceptibility to blue-mold
disease translates to less yield per acre. Despite this obstacle,
Corojo tobacco remains an iconic part of cigar history and
The Punch Golden Era cigar honors a time known as the "golden
age" of cigars (late 1800s to early 1900s), primarily due to the
prominence of Corojo tobacco. Featuring a Honduran puro blend,
these handmade cigars are created at JRE Tobacco Farm's Fabrica
de Puros Aladino in Honduras, owned and operated by the Eiroa
family, whose experience with this prized tobacco is
well-documented. Its deep brown hue, scarce veins, and delicious
flavor make it alluring; however, its susceptibility to blue-mold
disease translates to less yield per acre. Despite this obstacle,
Corojo tobacco remains an iconic part of cigar history and
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.