Originally introduced in the early 2000’s, Perdomo Immenso Seventy Cigars was a legend before its time. The larger seventy ring gauge cigars were considered enormous back in the day. Today, seventy ring gauge cigars have become more than a trend and are some of the most popular sizes amongst experienced smokers. Back by popular demand, the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy is blended with 5-year aged wrappers and 5-year aged Cuban-seed Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy is a premium line of large ring gauge cigars consumers can enjoy at extremely affordable price points.
Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Maduro Robusto 5 pack
Package of 5
x 70
There is a smooth spice to the robust Cuban-seed Nicaraguan fillers
of the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown smoke. The Cuban-seed
Nicaraguan Sun Grown wrapper adds a smooth spiciness to the smoke.
There are hints of cedar and spice on the finish of the Perdomo
Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown cigar's rich, earthy flavor.
After the popularity of 70-guage cigars exploded in the early
2000s, Perdomo revived the Inmenso Seventy line. With a dark,
chocolatey maduro wrapper, the Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Maduro
Churchill (7.0 x 70) features long-filler and a binder of
Cuban-seed, Nicaraguan tobacco. There are notes of chocolate,
caramel, pepper, and earth in this stogie.
The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown is a medium-bodied smoke. A
5-year aged Cuban-seed Nicaraguan Sun Grown wrapper adds a smooth
spice to the robust Cuban-seed Nicaraguan fillers. On the finish,
Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown offers hints of cedar and spice.
Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Sun Grown Epicure begins with toastiness,
leather, and cedar. The profile is pretty basic, but it has nothing
to complain about. As the profile thickens, it becomes more
dynamic. Cedar dominates the profile, followed by black pepper and
Gauged to be well-endowed, what started as a fleeting trend has
since taken its place among cigar industry staples. Perdomo Inmenso
Seventy Sun Grown is the latest addition to the field of
large-scale cigars, boasting Nicaraguan tobaccos and a Cuban-seed
Sun Grown wrapper. Medium-bodied, this stick offers leather, white
pepper, toast, cedar and nu notes that will set your senses ablaze.
The Perdomo Inmenso Seventy Maduro is a medium to full-bodied smoke
that's been aged for 5 years in Cuban-seed Nicaraguan Maduro
wrapper. This robust blend delivers an aroma and complex flavor
pallete with notes of oak, espresso, and sweetness. Nick Perdomo
Jr., President and CEO of the cigar maker, remarks that “The
seventy-ring gauge Inmenso cigars we made in the early 2000’s were
considered enormous back in the day. Now, these kind of cigars have
become more than just a trend and are some of the most popular in
the industry.”
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