For over fifty years, Padron Cigars has been crafting superior quality medium to full-bodied long-filler cigars in all the classic sizes and shapes. The Cuban seed tobaccos used to make their cigars are grown in Nicaragua on their own estate farms where they are aged for a minimum of two and a half years before being lovingly hand-rolled with great precision. Whether you prefer natural or maduro wrappers, each one is box-pressed, luxuriously oily, and emits an aroma of earthy spice, coffee and cocoa bean once lit. These reasonably priced smokes cater to all cigar aficionados no matter where they fall on the experience scale - even those who have already tried them can vouch for their undeniable excellence! Make sure you add some Padron cigars to your next order and keep a few handy in your humidor at all times - you won't regret it!
Padron No. 7000 Maduro 5 pack
Package of 5
x 60
Padron No. 7000 Maduro cigars are patiently handmade with long-aged
Cuban seed tobaccos grown exclusively in Nicaragua, making them a
true classic and unique-tasting cigar. Despite their affordable
price, these cigars boast outstanding quality, evident in their
square-pressed shapes and dark, oily wrappers. The medium-to-full
bodied flavor is perfectly balanced and measures complexity and the
essence of coffee and cocoa bean. These puros are kept at the peak
of flavor due to the limited annual production.
With the inimitable flavor and aroma of Padron cigars in a smaller,
412 x 35 size, Padron Corticos offer a handmade, longfiller,
medium-bodied cigar. A real treat, not to be missed, Padron
Corticos come in this exclusive box of 30 cigars, perfect with
espresso or a fine dessert wine.
There's no question that many cigar connoisseurs prefer cigars made
from the previous seeds as well as the old methods. Despite the
fact that Cuban cigars are still not allowed in the United States,
Padron Cigars are still made in the traditional way out of
Nicaragua, which is a problem that many people face.
This bold and flavorful smoke's rich complexity is underscored by
an irresistible sweetness. A Nicaraguan puro dressed rustic
maduro wrapper telegraphs the fine tobaccos that come from this
Central American country. The Padron Black PB97 Maduro is
handmade in Nicaragua.
The famed Padron cigar family has released a 2023 limited edition
cigar exclusive to the PCA tradeshow. This special release is
only available to retailers attending the show and comes in a
sizable 6 3/4 x 54 torpedo size, in both Natural and Maduro
wrappers. Packed in boxes of 10, these cigars are a one-of-a-kind
offering. With their vertically integrated tobacco operation, the
Padróns have the unique advantage of overseeing every step of the
process, from cultivation to aging to rolling. This allows them
to stockpile and age their own tobaccos for extended periods of
time, resulting in exceptional quality. In fact, many of their
lines use Nicaraguan tobaccos that have been aged for over 10
years - a rarity in the industry. The Padrón Padron Black PB97
Torpedo limited edition cigars are crafted with specially
selected tobaccos from their finest aged reserves. For those
seeking a refined and delicious medium-full bodied smoke, it's
unlikely you'll find anything better than this. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.