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Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Cigars
Nearly a century after the first Montecristo cigar was handcrafted in 1935, Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua cigars represent a first-ever interpretation of the original blend from 1935. But to accomplish such a monumental task, it takes some phenomenal blending talent. Enter the Grupo de Maestros, A.J. Fernandez, and Tabacalera USA’s Head of Product Capability, Rafael Nodal. The real challenge was getting Nicaraguan tobaccos that reflect the classic characteristics, construction, and balanced flavors of the original 1935 Montecristo—a Cuban! Made at A.J. Fernandez’s San Lotano factory in Ocotál, Nicaragua with tobaccos grown on AJ’s estate farms, the blend is hush-hush. But the result is a full smoke with a well-balanced mix of pepper, sweet spice, black coffee, and leather. “To honor the age-old tradition of soft-pressing cigars, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua will also be a soft-pressed series,” said Nodal. “The cigar offers a luxury showcase from seed to smoke that combines classic craftsmanship and extra-aged estate tobaccos from Nicaragua’s best growing regions.” A marvelous addition to experienced aficionados’ collections, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua is offered in four popular shapes: Churchill (7” x 52), No.2: (61/8 ” x 52), Toro (6” x 54), and Demi (5½ x 46).

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante No. 2 Torpedo 5 pack

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante No. 2 Torpedo
SKU: MC1935ED65565pack
Package: Package of 5
Size: 6.5 x 56
Strength: Medium
Shape: Torpedo


The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante cigar started out as an experimental blend in the development of the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua series. It has since blossomed into a silky-smooth yet distinct brand, concocted by AJ Fernandez in Nicaragua. The blend consists purely of Nicaraguan tobaccos, featuring a lower-priming wrapper from a hybrid Cuban-seed plant cultivated by Fernandez and harvested in Jalapa. Its binder is Cuban-seed Criollo from Ometepe's volcanic island soils, while its filler tobaccos—three different varietals—are all grown in Estelí. With its medium strength compared to the full-bodied original edition, this new line is sure to capture your taste buds.


Availability: Temporarily Out of Stock

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante Robusto 5 pack

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante Robusto
SKU: MC1935ED50545pack
Package: Package of 5
Size: 5 x 54
Strength: Medium
Shape: Robusto

The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante cigars were crafted in honor of the 85th anniversary of the iconic brand. A.J. Fernandez and Rafael Nodal, both with Cuban roots, lead the cigar-making process to ensure a top-quality product for smokers everywhere. The legend of Montecristo began in 1935 inspired by the novel The Count of Monte Cristo read to rollers by lectors as they worked. This puro blend was aged two years before being released and hand rolled at Esteli’s A.J. Fernandez factory in Nicaragua using an Ometepe Criollo binder and a Nicaraguan hybrid wrapper from Jalapa; all for a complexity, richness, and smooth medium-fullbodied profile with hints of cocoa, spices, nuts, earth, oak, and cream that is sure to please any smoker. Packaged in lavish boxes of 10 with a wood grain finish, this cigar is a must for aficionados seeking a truly unique smoking experience. Get your Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante cigars now!

Availability: In Stock

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante Toro 5 pack

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Diamante Toro
SKU: MC1935ED60555pack
Package: Package of 5
Size: 6 x 55
Strength: Medium
Shape: Toro

Dark coffee, earthy and spicy aromas give this medium strength cigar its rich depth. Crafted with a hybrid-seed maduro wrapper from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua, this Nicaraguan puro was fine-tuned by cigar maestros AJ Fernandez and Rafael Nodal to mark the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante. This beautiful cigar celebrates more than just a milestone anniversary - it pays homage to the quality of Nicaraguan tobacco. Experience why smokers have delighted in Montecristo cigars for the past five decades - purchase a box today!

Availability: In Stock
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