Ready to give up your Fuente OpusX cigars? Don't answer until you've tried this awesome, full-bodied series from Joya de Nicaragua cigars that Cigar Insider scored 91. The Antaño (Spanish for 'yesteryear'), is a smooth-smoking reincarnation of Joya's original full-flavored blend of the 1970s. Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 cigars are perfectly-balanced with bold Nicaraguan Ligero leaves draped in thick, juicy, and dark Nicaraguan Criollo wrappers. Tasting is believing; and don't forget to fasten your seat belt.
Joya Antano Consul 5 pack
Package of 5
x 52
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul cigars are a must-try for fans of
full-flavored smokes. This Nicaraguan brand's latest release stands
out with its dark and oily wrapper tobacco, providing a hearty and
full bodied smoking experience. And it has proven popular amongst
connoisseurs - Cigar Insider rated them the highest in their July
2002 vertical tasting! If you're looking for an intense experience,
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Consul should be the next cigar on your
shopping list.
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Robusto Grande cigars boast a unique
flavor from the oldest cigar company in Nicaragua. Responding to
the growing trend of full-flavored smokes, they created the
Anta&no 1970, crafted with dark Nicaraguan wrapper tobacco and
oil. These powerful cigars are full-bodied and certainly pack a
punch! They even topped the charts at a July 2002 vertical brand
tasting in Cigar Insider - you know they'll leave an impression!
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Churchill cigars have been crafted with a
robust flair. With their dark, Nicaraguan wrapper tobacco
glistening with oil, these hearty and full-bodied smokes raise the
bar in terms of flavor. Boasting an impressive performance in a
July 2002 vertical brand tasting in Cigar Insider, Joya Antano
Churchill will surely not disappoint.
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Belicoso is a new breed of cigar made by
Nicaragua's oldest cigar company. Offering a bold, full-bodied
flavor, the cigars are crafted with dark Nicaraguan wrapper tobacco
and boast an oily finish. Furthermore, the brand's performance was
outstanding according to Cigar Insider's July 2002 vertical brand
tasting — these cigars will really pack a punch!
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Gran Perfecto cigars are the latest
offering from Nicaragua's oldest cigar company. Crafted with dark,
Nicaraguan wrapper tobacco that glistens with oil, these
full-bodied smokes have made a big impression - they even led the
pack in a July 2002 vertical brand tasting in Cigar Insider! These
cigars are certain to knock your socks off!
Are you looking to try something new? Look no further than the Joya
de Nicaragua Antano Big Bull! Cigar Insider gave this series an
impressive 91 points. This full-bodied smoke is reminiscent of a
reincarnation of Joya's original 1970s blend, boasting Nicaraguan
Ligero leaves and thick,extra-dark Nicaraguan wrappers. Prepare
yourself for a smooth yet flavorful experience; one puff and you'll
be convinced. Don't forget to buckle up before lighting up!
These Joya de Nicaragua cigars are renowned for their dark,
oiliness and robust flavor. Originally fashioned in 1964 at the
first Nicaraguan cigar factory, they were made with the intention
of restoring the brand's lost status during the years of unrest in
Nicaragua. They have even been granted top honors by the White
House since their introduction on to the commercial market. This
line of cigars is aptly named “Jewel of Nicaragua” due to its
excellent flavor profile, and it has since become one of the most
sought-after Nicaraguan cigars available. The wrapper is a Habano
Criollo from Nicaragua, with a binder and filler selected from
several high-end Nicaraguan tobaccos.
The Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Gran Consul Criollo Gordito (4
3/4" x 60) perfectly captures the soul and essence of the most
sought after puro in the United States during the post Cuban
embargo of the 1970s. This is a cigar for the most experienced of
connoisseurs, handcrafted entirely of Nicaraguan Ligero leaves, and
wrapped in a delicious, dark, oily Criollo wrapper. This smoke
delivers a smooth and even burn from the moment you light it until
the last puff and white ash falls. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.