From the makers of Acid Cigar, a child company to Drew Estate, comes the Java Drew Estate cigar. This coffee-flavored cigar is made by infusing the finest Nicaraguan coffee into the finest Nicaraguan tobacco and then box-pressed in a Brazilian Mata Fina Maduro wrapper. The Java Drew Estate cigar is a medium-bodied and well balanced cigar perfect for coffee lovers.
Java The 58 Super Toro Maduro 5 pack
Package of 5
x 58
Java the 58 Super Toro Maduro cigars - Java the 58 Super Toro
Maduro cigars are a unique, flavored cigar creation made with
Nicaraguan fillers and a dark chocolate-colored Brazilian wrapper.
With a rich, smooth tobacco taste and a creamy, sweet coffee-mocha
aroma, these super-sized cigars are a delight to smoke.
Java Robusto Maduro - Java Robusto cigars are a unique flavored
cigar creation handmade with Nicaraguan fillers and a dark
chocolate-colored Brazilian wrapper. Box-pressed cigars have a
smooth, rich tobacco taste that is accompanied by a sweet, creamy
coffee-mocha aroma and flavor. It's an absolute scentsational
Java Corona Maduro - Java Corona cigars are a unique,
flavored-cigar creation handmade with Nicaraguan fillers and a dark
chocolate-colored Brazilian wrapper. Among their many
characteristics are their rich, smooth tobacco flavor and aroma,
which is complemented by a sweet and creamy coffee-mocha aroma.
Java Latte Corona cigars boast the signature sweet mocha java
flavor and aroma of the original 'Java by Drew Estate' series with
a Connecticut Shade wrapper that is much lighter. Filler and binder
are composed of Nicaraguan tobaccos which complement the
smooth-smoking wrapper leaf for an enjoyable, creamy, well-balanced
smoke with a soft finish. Five box-pressed shapes make up Java
Claro Corona cigars providing a mild, mellow smoke with a
delectable aroma that even non-smokers will like.
Java Latte Robusto cigars offer the same sweet mocha java flavor
and aroma found in the original 'Java by Drew Estate' series but
with a Connecticut Shade wrapper. The Nicaraguan tobacco blend of
filler and binder marry with the smooth-smoking wrapper to create
creamy, well-balanced smoke with a soft finish. You can choose
between five box-pressed shapes to enjoy this mild, mellow smoke
that will surely be appreciated by all in your presence.
Java Latte Toro cigars bring the same sweet mocha java taste and
fragrance found in the 'Java by Drew Estate' collection with a mild
Connecticut Shade wrapper. The blend of lush Nicaraguan tobaccos
within the filler and binder make for a creamy, even-keeled smoke
that has a soft conclusion. Available in five flat-pressed sizes,
these mellow sticks provide an enjoyable experience to such an
extent that even those unaccustomed to cigar smoking may be
Drew Estate's 'Java' series is known for its sweet mocha java
flavor and aroma, and Java Latte the 58 Super Toro cigars live up
to that reputation. Featuring a Connecticut Shade wrapper, these
five box-pressed shapes provide a creamy, well-balanced smoke with
a soft finish. The Nicaraguan tobaccos perfectly complement the
smooth wrapper leaf for a mild, mellow experience that's sure to be
enjoyed by even non-smokers in the vicinity.
Java Toro Maduro - Java Toro Maduro cigars are a unique,
flavored-cigar creation made with Nicaraguan fillers and a dark
chocolate-colored Brazilian wrapper. These fine cigars have a rich,
smooth tobacco taste that overflows with sweet, creamy coffee-mocha
flavor and aroma. In a word: "scentsational!"
This cigar provides an exquisite flavor experience. If you've tried
and enjoy Java, then this is the next indulgence for you! A
guilt-free dessert—zero calories, no carbs—to savor after a steak
or pizza. Made from a blend of aged Nicaraguan long-fillers and a
thick-oily Mata Fina maduro wrapper that has been aged for three
years, Java Mint offers an exceptionally flavorful smoke.
Java Robusto Mint is a highly flavorful handmade cigar, fashioned
with an aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers and a 3-year aged
Brazilian Mata Fina maduro wrapper. No matter what people say, the
taste of this cigar is simply delicious. Try it after a hearty
steak dinner or as an indulgence without the calories - it even
works as a zero-carb dessert when you have leftover pizza! Enjoy
this guilt-free pleasure today!
Many attest that Java Toro Mint delivers a flavor similar to a
Peppermint Pattie or Creme de Menthe. Regardless, we can agree that
it tastes quite delicious. Why not treat yourself to this
guilt-free dessert of sorts, post steaky or pizza meal? Handcrafted
with rich Nicaraguan long-fillers and an aged Brazilian Mata Fina
maduro wrapper, this cigar is sure to satisfy even the most
discerning palate. The aging process gives these cigars a thick and
oily texture for an unparalleled smoking experience.
People often compare this cigar to Peppermint Patties and Creme de
Menthe. We think it's incredibly delicious! If you've had Java
before, why not give this one a try? It's the perfect guilt-free
accompaniment to that steak dinner or leftover pizza from last
night. Java Mint is made up of a blend of aged Nicaraguan
long-fillers and an aged Brazilian Mata Fina maduro wrapper - the
kind of combination that can only come from careful aging.
Many might compare the taste of our Java Petite Corona Mint to a
Peppermint Pattie or Creme de Menthe, but regardless of the
comparison, we believe this cigar is exceptionally good. If you
have tried and liked Java before, then don't hesitate to indulge in
this guilt-free treat after a steak dinner or a leftover pizza.
This handmade cigar has been aged for three years, allowing for a
thick and oily Brazilian Mata Fina maduro wrapper to envelop its
rich blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. The time spent aging has
only intensified the flavor.
Java Petite Corona Maduro cigars were the joint effort of two
industry-leading cigar makers – Jonathan (ACID cigars) Drew and
Rocky Patel. The smoke is mild to medium-bodied and is composed of
a box-pressed blend with rich Nicaraguan tobaccos and a dark
Brazilian wrapper. An aromatic, sweet mocha java flavor resonates
throughout the enjoyable experience. Even non-flavored cigar
smokers can appreciate its true tobacco taste. Java cigars make for
a calming session – like aromatherapy for those who enjoy tobacco!
Initially, you might think, 'What truck ran over this thing?' But
these intentionally wafer-shaped cigars are handmade with a mild
blend of rich Nicaraguan & Brazilian tobaccos brimming with a
sweet, creamy mocha-java aroma for a scent-sationally yummy smoke
crafted from Nicaraguan & Brazilian tobaccos.
Without impairing the tobacco's refined flavors and aromas, Java
Latte cigars deliver a massive amount of mocha-java essence. The
Connecticut Shade wrappers of this cigar offer a mellow alternative
to the Java Maduro and pair perfectly with the Nicaraguan blend.
There's nothing better than this smoke: creamy, well-balanced, and
with a soft aroma that appeals to even non-cigar fans. It's a
no-brainer for cigar lovers who love infused cigars, but
traditionalists can also give it a try.
With its distinctive cherry flavor profile, plus notes of dark
chocolate and roasted coffee, Java Red cigars are among Java
Cigars' most enticing offerings.
These Java Red cigars are among the most enticing additions to the
Java Cigars line-up. Made for Rocky Patel by Drew Estate, they
feature notes of dark chocolate and roasted coffee in their flavor
profile. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.