For those not yet acquainted with Cavalier Geneve cigars, an immediate introduction is a must. The Swiss are renowned for their quality craftsmanship, as seen in their timepieces, chocolate, and army knives from Geneva. This city also has a rich history in the world of premium cigars, being home to a well-known luxury brand. With Cavalier Genève’s Sebastien Decoppet at the helm, luxury is taken to new heights with his small batch smokes. Each cigar bears a 24 karat gold diamond that is both elegant and perfectly smokeable – a signature element of Decoppet's creations. And now, for the big reveal...the White Series, Black Series, Goss and Black Series II from Cavalier Geneve offer opulence at surprisingly affordable prices. To simply say they are "really good cigars for the money" would be an understatement; these are distinguished cigars designed to provide a refined smoking experience. A finely crafted addition to any humidor.
Goss Hot August Nights Live at the Greek Amphitheatre Toro 5 pack
Package of 5
x 52
"FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras handcrafts
the Goss Hot August Nights Live at the Greek Amphitheater cigars
for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco. With a perfect blend of Jalapa,
Jamastran, Esteli, & Paraguay, the Goss Hot August Nights Live at
the Greek Amphitheater cigars are finished in a rich San Andres
wrapper. Only 500 boxes are made in the country.
“FTC” Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras hand crafts
Goss Nightman cigars for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco. Featuring a
perfect blend of filler tobaccos such as Viso Jalapa, Viso Esteli
& Seco Jamastran bound in a Connecticut leaf, the Goss Nightman
cigars are finished in a rich San Andres wrapper.
"FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras handcrafts
Goss Nightman cigars for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco. The Goss
Nightman cigar uses a perfect blend of filler tobacco of Viso
Jalapa, Viso Esteli & Seco Jamastran, bound in a Connecticut
leaf. A rich San Andres wrapper completes the cigar.
"FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras handcrafts
Goss Nightman cigars for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco. In Goss
Nightman cigars, a perfect blend of Viso Jalapa, Viso Esteli and
Seco Jamastran filler tobaccos is bound in a Connecticut leaf and
then wrapped in a rich San Andres wrapper.
Goss Nightman cigars are handcrafted for Nick Goss of Goss
Tobacco at "FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras.
The Goss Nightman cigar uses a perfect blend of filler tobaccos
of Viso Jalapa, Viso Esteli and Seco Jamastran, bound in a
Connecticut leaf. A rich San Andres wrapper completes the cigar.
Goss Dayman cigars are handcrafted for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco
at "FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras. A
perfect blend of Honduran Broadleaf, Piloto & Jamastran filler
tobaccos is used in this cigar, which is bound in a Jalapa leaf.
A rich San Andres wrapper completes the cigar.
The Goss Dayman cigars are hand crafted by Nick Goss of Goss
Tobacco at "FTC" Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras
for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco. The Goss Dayman cigars use a
perfect blend of filler tobacco of Honduran Broadleaf, Piloto &
Jamastran, bound in a Jalapa leaf, and finished with a rich San
Andres wrapper.
Goss Dayman cigars are hand-crafted for Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco
at “FTC” Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras. Goss
Dayman cigars are made with a perfect blend of Honduran
Broadleaf, Piloto & Jamastran filler tobaccos bound in Jalapa
leaves. They are finished with a rich San Andres wrapper.
It is Nick Goss of Goss Tobacco who handcrafts the Goss Dayman
cigars at “FTC” Fabrica Centroamericana de Tobacco in Honduras. A
perfect blend of Honduran Broadleaf, Piloto, and Jamastran filler
tobaccos is used in the Goss Dayman cigars, which are wrapped in
a rich San Andres leaf. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.