Don Pepin Garcia Vintage cigars were created to honor the twentieth anniversary of the Don Pepin Garcia line. These cigars feature an oily Corojo '99 wrapper leaf from Nicaragua, which hides a blend of carefully aged Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos from select Garcia family estates. A variety of popular sizes are available, each boasting complex flavors such as malty cedar, leather, black pepper, and baking spices. Handmade at the renowned My Father factory in Estelí, Nicaragua by skilled artisans, these cigars are a testament to the mastery of José ‘Pepin’ Garica. Add Don Pepin Garcia Vintage to your collection and experience a remarkable milestone cigar from one of today's most esteemed cigar-makers.
Don Pepin Garcia Vintage Petit Robusto 5 packnew
Package of 5
x 50
Petite Robusto
Don "Pepin" Garcia is a renowned figure in the cigar industry,
having spent decades building his reputation. As one of the few
cigar makers who embraced Nicaragua in its early days, Garcia has
achieved immense success with his My Father brand. The Don Pepin
Vintage Edition pays homage to his humble beginnings, boasting a
vintage band and a well-aged core of Nicaraguan tobacco. Its
flavor profile offers a harmonious mix of earthy cedar notes and
subtle spice on the finish, making it a medium to full-bodied
smoke that exudes elegance and complexity.
Don Pepin Garcia Vintage cigars were crafted to commemorate the
twentieth anniversary of the renowned Don Pepin Garcia line.
These cigars feature an oily Corojo ’99 wrapper leaf, grown in
Nicaragua, which conceals a blend of well-aged Nicaraguan
long-filler tobaccos harvested on select Garcia family estates.
Handmade by expert artisans at the esteemed My Father factory in
Estelí, Nicaragua, these cigars come in three popular sizes and
offer a complex, medium to full-bodied smoke with notes of cedar,
leather, black pepper, and baking spices. Experience an
impressive milestone cigar from one of the greatest cigar-makers
of our time, José ‘Pepin’ Garica, with the addition of Don Pepin
Garcia Vintage to your collection.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Don Pepin Garcia line,
Vintage cigars were carefully blended. Concealed beneath an oily
Corojo '99 wrapper leaf, grown in Nicaragua, is a robust blend of
well-aged Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos from select Garcia
family estates. Expert artisans at the renowned My Father factory
in Estelí, Nicaragua craft these impressive milestone cigars with
a trio of popular sizes. As you savor this medium to full-bodied
smoke, you'll notice malty notes of cedar, leather, black pepper,
and baking spices. Add Don Pepin Garcia Vintage to your
collection and experience one of today's greatest cigar-makers,
José 'Pepin' Garcia's exceptional work.
The Don Pepin Garcia Vintage cigars were crafted in honor of the
twentieth anniversary of the renowned Don Pepin Garcia line. It
features a Nicaraguan-grown Corojo '99 wrapper, concealing a
robust blend of well-aged tobaccos from select Garcia family
estates. This trio of popular sizes delivers a complex, medium to
full-bodied smoking experience with malty notes of cedar,
leather, black pepper and a touch of baking spices. Handmade by
skilled artisans at the esteemed My Father factory in Estelí,
Nicaragua, these cigars are a testament to the expertise of one
of today's greatest cigar-makers, José 'Pepin' Garcia. Add Don
Pepin Garcia Vintage to your collection and indulge in an
impressive milestone cigar. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.