Curivari cigars are created using the traditional Cuban cigar making process, utilizing Cuban Criollo and Corojo seed grown in Nicaragua. We pay close attention to every detail of cultivation, fermentation and aging, understanding that each leaf must be carefully handled by our people to reach maturity. This results in a fuller, deeper tobacco aroma. The flavor profile of each blend is inspired by the tobacco itself and is based on a classic Cuban taste rather than on strength; this ensures that the perfect balance of flavor and aroma is achieved. The cigars are then finished off with a triple cap for superior quality.
Curivari Pythagoras 5 pack
Package of 5
x 60
A Greek-themed name is popular among Curivari Cigars' founder,
Andreas Throuvalis. While he pays tribute to his Greek heritage
in the name, he pays tribute to Cuban cigars by making his
boutique cigars from Cuban-seed, Nicaraguan-grown tobaccos and
topping them off with a triple cap. The Curivari Pythagoras is a
Nicaraguan puro with a warm tobacco and coffee taste.
Curivari pays homage to Cuban cigar making with the Selección
Privada, carefully crafted using traditional hand-rolling methods
and Cuban-seed Criollo and Corojo tobaccos — culminating in a
triple cap. With their focus on balance of flavor and aroma over
strength, the medium-bodied Nicaraguan puro offers a delectable
blend of cream, wood, and subtle sweetness. Founder Andreas
Throuvalas has created cigars that mirror iconic Cuban cigars.
At the 2011 IPCPR trade show, Curivari Seleccion Privada Maduro
made its debut to much anticipation. The brand is renowned for
its exceptional ultra boutique cigars, crafted with all
Nicaraguan tobaccos and boasting Cuban-like flavor profiles. The
Seleccion Privada Maduro blend offers a robust and spicy smoking
experience, bursting with flavor. It features a Nicaraguan Habano
Maduro wrapper and is composed entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco.
Given proper aging, Curivari cigars mature beautifully over time.
Each cigar is expertly triple capped and packaged in cedar boxes
of 10.
Despite its limited production numbers, Curivari has established
a strong reputation in the cigar industry. Their use of
top-quality Cuban Criollo and Corojo tobaccos has contributed to
this success. The Curivari Seleccion Privada is an all Nicaraguan
puro known for its perfect balance of strength and flavor. These
medium-bodied cigars boast creamy smoke and a smooth finish, with
hints of wood, vanilla, and sweetness. Packaged in cedar boxes of
10 with a triple cap, these cigars offer a luxurious smoke
without breaking the bank. It's no wonder why serious cigar
aficionados are drawn to this ultra boutique brand. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.